Saturday, November 2, 2024

I worry me!

 Pic of the day;


This split entry home Sherry and I built all by ourselves, except for the heat and A/C systems.

  For today:

I remember hiding Easter Eggs in my youth and forgetting where I hid them.  At times one or two weren’t found and we found them later in the Summer.  Now in my second childhood or the winter of my life, I am starting to hide things from myself.

I know one should not do this, but for many years when we lived close on finances, I would put a dollar-bill behind a framed picture, you know, for a ‘rainy day’.

A friend’s hubby died and she found MUCH money in his wallet, and he had told her he was nearly broke. Yes, someone will find a bill or two hid in my wallet also! Do you do that?

Hiding money.  Sure, most times we retrieve what we have ‘put back’, but sometimes we don’t!  Example I have probably mentioned it here before, but my sister (and we too) liked thrift stores. Once in a small town in Florida she bought a small cushion for her couch. She bought it because it had a zip on cover she could wash.  When she got home and removed the cover she found a $100 bill.  Some old person had hidden it and the cushion was discarded at their death.

That makes one wonder how much money is hidden awaiting the lucky finder.

I am writing this because lately I have hidden things from my self, I still am looking for a ‘door stop’ I ordered for this coach and did not have time to install it when it came in, so I put it aside until later.  LATER came and I cannot remember where in this crazy coach I put it.

I misplaced something VERY IMPORTANT a couple days ago and looked thru every drawer to no avail.  Finally, I asked Sherry, and she said I had told her where I had put it, and I had. So at least I found the important stuff, now to find that silly door stop!


Nite Shipslog


Thanks for all the visits. LOL

PS2:  I found the door stop. In a drawer just a few inches from the door where I will install it. I kept looking for the little box it came in. I forgot that I had taken it out of the box therefore it was overlooked. It still in the plastic wrapper it came sealed in. ;-)

Tomorrow, sisters (maybe) LOL



Mevely317 said...

Oooh, now that's interesting about hiding $ behind a painting or in a chair cushion. I was just telling Susan (Contemplative Cat) how we used to laugh at my grandmother. She'd put something away in a 'safe place' then forgot where that was. Today, it's not so funny anymore.

HappyK said...

I've been known to put things in a 'safe place' and then forgot where that place was! :)

Chatty Crone said...

I put things in great places too - and then I can't remember. I work too fast sometimes. So, you are very normal - good thing you told Sherry - then someone will remember!