Sunday, January 12, 2025

Insurance Companies, THE BET

 That picture

This Picture is from California at  Will Rogers Ranch this week. It is possible the ins. was cancelled last week. I can imagine insurance has been paid for over 50 years.  Just saying.







For today:

First, about the 3 buttons, yes, the buttons on the sleeve not the coat it's self. ;-)

And the rich guys! I was not referring to self-made wealth or just millionaires, they can know tough things. The families that have had Billions their entire life, honestly nothing negative was meant, it is just there are things they will NEVER KNOW! 

Victor might say: I asked if I could walk in the Billionaires shoes and he said, take the bus!  Love you guys...


I have always heard the insurance company is betting nothing will happen to you or your home, and you are betting it will, when you take out a policy.

I am a customer who always refuses extended warrantee on   tools, appliances or equipment. When  am asked, do you want the $$ extended warrantee?

Sometimes I ask, “ Isn't this warranted already?”

“Yes but the insurance insures replacement, a year longer.”

I NEVER buy extended warrantees. Most things will live past their warranted time. IMHO

When buying a home, if you take out a mortgage, of course the lender REQUIRES you insure it. If you own a home, you ARE NOT REQUIRED TO INSURE IT, Since we buy mostly fixeruppers, we never insure them.  I can understand those who fear damage, but since I repair almost anything that happens to a home, I do not insure them.

That exception is duplex in NC.  WE insure it because renters are involved.  (the manager is also our insurance agent LOL.)

Since insurance is a bet. Lately I have learned that the Insurance companies have a way to ‘hedge’ their bets.  Remember the bad weather in Florida lately? Now the fires in California?  Insurance Companies, have cancelled thousands of policies knowing their bets in that area are losing bets. Too bad the homeowners cannot suspend payments, or at least pay every other month, in the good times. LOL

WE have never lost a home to fire or tornado, etc. Our only claim was a roof after a hailstorm.  To be factual we have insured those places in NC for near 30 years, paying insurance every year. So of course, the roof they GAVE US after the deductible, was paid for years ago. LOL

 I have had two businesses. I knew when I started them, if things went bad I could lose a lot.  Business owners know this. Businesses are a gamble, no guarantee. I thought Ins. Companies were the same. If they insure more than they can pay for, they run the risk of going broke.

I cannot imagine how I would feel if My agent knew a natural disaster might take my home in the next week and  call me to say, we are cancelling your policy, (Meaning: If we don’t we might have to pay . OUCH

I would be one upset dude. SO can you imagine the folks  in Florida who lost their homes to flooding and those in California who are losing theirs to fire, they must be devastated at the cancellations, WE PAID YOU AND TRUSTED YOU!!

Nite Shipslog


Always Good to see you. We look forward to  seeing you, you always make our Day, that is a guarantee!!THANKS!  


Victor S E Moubarak said...

Praying for those affected in Florida and California; and also for you, Jack and Sherry.

Over here, some insurance companies have a "let out" clause in their policies called "Acts of God". I don't know why they blame Him when things go wrong; and don't thank Him for all the good we have in life.

God bless.

Lisa said...

I never get the extended warranty on little things I buy. I learned that even with a warranty, it’s costs a fee to replace it plus shipping. I had a coffee maker that I did not get a an extended warranty on but I did register it. When It went out, I wanted to just try by going to the website and reporting it went out. They just sent me a new one, no questions asked. That was MR. Coffee. Of course I bought a new coffee maker the next day and it took several weeks for my new free one to arrive. Now Car insurance, yes I get the extended warranty but not at the time of the sell. I wait until mine is about to expire.

Chatty Crone said...

It's on the sleeve - got it! Thanks.
I never get the extended warranty either.
I probably shouldn't say this - but it is hard to put fires out with no water - closed dams and rerouted water to the ocean instead of into the closed dams in fire season.

Mevely317 said...

My son and I were just talking about the state of insurance in this country and he remarked, "Remember, they're (insurance companies) not a non-profit."

Anonymous said...

Insurance Companies have been pulling out of California for years. It's because Prop 103 that became law in the 1990's. Prop 103 prevents insurance companies from charging premiums based on risk. The state fixes the price they may charge regardless of the risk. The California politicians like to brag about the 60 billion or so they have saved homeowners over the years. Those savings contributed to insurance companies not being able to charge premiums based on risk so they decided to leave the state. Goverment price fixing never ends well. Another law passed with intended good consequences turned bad by the most regulated state in the nation.

From Lake Wylie SC.

HappyK said...

We never buy the extended warranty either but we do have insurance on our house. It is not just for disasters but encase someone gets hurt on the property too. (No flood ins because we live in the mountains)