Thursday, January 9, 2025

My experience and thinking

 Pictures from the past

Pictures of formations in Southern UTAH, Amazing, as you look you have to ask, how did this happen?







     For today:

I didn’t mean to sound so negative yesterday, but just thinking.  No I have not heard of the soon crash of Blogger, I am just thinking of past history..

I was happy with AOL Journals, the first time I had gotten involved in this type of correspondence. I was happily traveling along, even was selected at AOL’s Journal of the month once.

Then out of the Blue AOL: announced they were dropping Journals. They advised every Journalist to save their entire Journals even told how. Did I do it? Nah, BUT I do wish I had.

I do know this, if in fact Blogger does bite the dust, I will definitely make acopy of this STUFF!  And will advise others to do that also.

In saying that, If you were to copy your journal to save it, how would you  do that?  What media would you chose? I have so many CD’s and Actually I do not have a good CD reader.  Then technology chances, I know folks who waited to late to save the old 8mm and Super8mm movies. My son Mark and his wife Corinne took all our 8mm stuff one year and had them put on CDs for Christmas, what a great Christmas present.  

BUT how do we keep up with all the changes?

You see, I remember Granny’s shoe box of pictures that her family divided up at her death.

Now that shoe box would not compare to our 36,000 hard copy pics. Now, familys have digital movies of their children from birth to their 20th birthday and beyond.

Have you stored anything on the small cards?

And I do know some Bloggers us their blog as a personal life journal;  downloading your blog by the year and put it book form, what a great idea.

Sorry, I just got carried away. But I am open to advise… on saving all this digital wonderment.

Thanks for reading and yes I will appreciate your advice.

Nite Shipslog


Always Good to see you. We look forward to  seeing you, you do make our Day, THANKS!  



Victor S E Moubarak said...

As you say, technology moves on. I save some information on CDs or Blu-ray disc, but also for safety every so often on USB stocks too. If the documents are in writings rather than photos I also print them in hard copy. You will need to re-copy every so often from CD/USB to new medias as they develop. You can also put your information on the Cloud - you may have to p;ay for this depending on how much info is in the Cloud. We use Microsoft One Drive given free to all Microsoft customer. You can buy more space as needs be. At the moment, the CD or Blu-ray is the safest way to store data locally.

God bless

Chatty Crone said...

This may sound morose - but to be honest I don't think I would save them. I used to journal on paper and have destroyed them too. First of all, I honestly don't think anyone in my family would go back and read them - so why would I save them? lol
Guess what? We got three inches of snow this morning - so exciting - first time in ten years!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I keep a copy of each entry I make each day and I have a back up hard drive that saves it all. I like to use them for reference of when things happened, I've also posted many family recipes I wouldn't want to lose. Long live blogger !

Mevely317 said...

I'm still on the fence re. saving my posts. There's so much I don't understand about technological offerings. Plus, aside from you and a few others, I don't think my family's particularly interested in what I have to say. Sure, that stings, but then I won't be around to feel offended, lol!

Sheila Y said...

I know it depends on the person, but I would love to find a diary or journal of my ancestors. A grandparent or great grandparent, or such, to learn a little about someone I didn’t get to know, or know long. Things going on, their likes or dislikes, etc. By the way, if you got a text wishing you a Merry Christmas (gif) and didn’t know who it was from, it was me, 😊 Take care, Sheila