Thursday, January 16, 2025

Snakes, snails and puppy dog tales


Photo from the Past:


When we lived on Lake Dora I went out on our pier, lo and behold this was on our boat! (This Moccasin did not live much longer).

 So for today:

Sherry got used to seeing snakes on the trail. So much so she could step over one and announce to me, ‘Snake on the trail.’

I think this was a 'ground snake' but we do treat most snakes as if they are poisonous and stay outside striking distance!

Once in a cold stream in Virginia, Sherry was soaking her feet and jerked them out of the water saying “a moccasin was swimming toward my feet!”

I said, “Don’t be silly, that water is too cold for a snake!” She put her feet back in the cold water and yep, I saw a small snake head toward her feet. We scared it off, but I learned that some snakes must handle cold blooded better than others. LOL


 In the past few years, I have been snake bit and dog bit. The Pit mix that bit me got my throat, chin and arm. He was on a leash, dragging his owner who could not stop him. Yes, still it is the dogs that my mind grabs; when a mean ‘looking’ dog is close by. Yeah, I know, I know; I have heard It a ‘million’ times, “Don’t worry he don’t bite, he is just a big ole teddy bear.”

Yeah right! Tell that to the family whose kids were killed. The kids had played with those Pits, their own dogs, most every day for 7 years; they turned on the kids, and killed them.

Back to snakes.

Once in Montana near Three Rivers, Sherry and I were camping by the headwaters of the Missouri River. I had killed a big Rattler near the camper; Sherry and I had walked off a piece when I said, “I have heard they Rattlers taste like chicken. I am going to skin and cook that sucker.”  I headed back to get the snake when up flew a big Eagle, flying about straight up carrying my snake! So I never had a chance to taste Rattle Snake, L

For Myra. When I was kid, I guess I thought I was invincible, I caught any snake to show off. Several Cotton Mouths and Copper Heads.  I never caught a rattler; they were not around where we lived. I was fast, I caught them just behind the head. I surprised our grandkids once by grabbing a Black Snake (nonpoisonous). To let them see one up close.

BUT the copper head that bit me cheated, it was hiding in the weeds I was pulling from around the base of a tree. I AM more leery now, I never REALIZED how terrible a bite can be, the worst pains I have ever suffered!!!!

Granddaughter Sherece and I were out at MY playhouse once and ran into a big snake. I told Sherece that is Sneeky Snake and to tell him not to go to the house or Grandma would kill him.

Sherece walked over to the snake, pointing at it and lectured him about going out to the house. I was proud of her; at 4yrs old was so stinking cute.


Nite Shipslog


 Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. Y’all are the BEST! 



Victor S E Moubarak said...

You're very brave, Jack. And knowledgeable too about different kinds of snakes. I understand some snakes hide in the loft or in wall cavities to keep warm. They climb up the drainpipe and enter the roof from under the tiles. It said in our papers that people should check their loft regularly.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

Thanks for the shout-out, Jack. All I can say, you AND Sherry are made of far sterner stuff than me. I get the 'willies' just looking at their photographs.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I don't like snakes at all and stay away from them. Creepy things are not good for me. I'm not going to pick one up any time soon. Take care and hope you are keeping warm, it;s supposed to get cold here again.

Chatty Crone said...

I don't do snakes - they scare me to death. I just don't want them near me. LOL You are brave and so was Sherry - I would not have put my feet in that water.
I remember your dog bite too - it was a bad one. Don't do big dogs either. lol

salemslot9 said...

I don’t like spiders and snakes
and that ain’t what it takes
to love me
like I wanna be loved by you
(Jim Stafford 1974)