Friday, January 10, 2025

What the Rich guy will never know!

 Photo from the Past:


One of the Rich Kids who learned down and dirty the hard way.  No I did  not vote for him, BUT he was my president.


So for today:

Unless you are or have been blind, YOU or me will NEVER know what it is really like 24 hours a day EVERY DAY.

I just read a horrible story of a girl who was born with horrific buck teeth and a jaw that was misformed. She has spent Thousands of dollars trying to fit in and it has not worked. She told of the kids making fun or her looks and speech and crying herself to sleep most nights.

Unless you have been bullied, you do not know the feeling no matter HOW HARD you try, you cannot KNOW!
I said that to try an make a point

The members of the truly wealthy families will never know how it is to be poor. They cannot change their position and or course would not want to,

Most of them have NEVER been grocery shopping. They have NO IDEA of the feeling that ‘I might not have enough to pay for all the groceries we need.’

They also do not know what it is like to come to a breakfast their mama has cooked and be limited to how much you can eat.

The Ultra rich will never wonder if they have the rent money, or the mortgage payment.

These observations are not meant to be mean; they are just facts.  The mill owner, if he was from a wealthy family, would never know what that 25 cents an hour raise means to his workers.

The very rich will never know what it is like to need to fix your car, and you are living from pay day to payday.

They will never know the feelings of the mother who cannot pay for a fancy dress for the prom for her wonderful daughter.  

I have President Truman at the top of this entry. He was the last President to leave the White House and drive home in his own car. Most likely the last president who wasn’t a millionaire or better upon leaving.

I have worried for the past few years of those at the top of our government who make decisions for us folk on the lower rungs of the ladder.  That is the reason MOST leaders NEED to have normal folk in their cabinets and advisors as well as the rich.  WE need not only educated but SMART men and women to keep ‘common sense’ forefront.

It has been many years since we had our budget in an old cigar box with envelopes, for groceries, gas, rent, etc. I remember what it is like not to have enough to buy Sherry our monthly banana split and miniature golf game for our monthly entertainment.

However I would like for my leaders to KNOW that they have constitutions that still have those common expenses and they MUST have the funds to pay them.



Nite Shipslog


 Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. Y’all are the BEST! Thank God, at present Sherry and I have NO big problems, but I know folks that do.


Lisa said...

Growing up I thought rich was the kids that wore name brand clothes not realizing how rich I really was in the handmade clothes my momma made me.


Chatty Crone said...

I thought I was rich too and kind of feel rich now - although we are not. We actually gotten financially poorer the older we get.
Well, I am not sure what you are saying here exactly. I know that the rich are in government now - but who put them there? lol

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I would rather be me than a lot of rich people I've heard of. Although I do consider myself weathy in the things money cannot buy, like a wonderful family and all the love I could ever need. Our government has seen a lot of wealthy leaders who got where they are because of the money they have. We little people can only hope and pray they have the good sense to do what is right,.

Mevely317 said...

Aw, don't be so hard on the Rich Guys, Jack.
We can't understand every person's circumstance until we walk in their shoes. Neither can we presume to know what lies in their hearts.
Love from frozen 'Bama.

Anonymous said...

I recently heard that America has 1,000 Billionaires. Presidents and Congressmen are getting richer every term. How can they relate to my life? At 79 years old, I worry alot about rich government officials lowering my SS and Medicare since I need back surgery soon. Women will be particularly affected since we live longer and Assisted Living costs increase every year.