Friday, January 10, 2025

When will I ever learn?

 Photo from the Past:


The one time we KNOW that the news folks got things wrong. WE know Dewey LOST!

Take a note here, I had never noted this. The three buttons on Mr. Truman's suit indicate he was not a wealthy man. AT that time and it is still mostly true today. Men's better grade suits show 4 buttons. No man of standing would have worn a common suit. That has been a SOLID standard until the last few years in our world.


So for today:

Really, I am glad we have good news sources.  Strange today we know instantly when a tornado hits three states over. We know days in advance that a hurricane is going to hit Houston or Miami. There was a time the soonest you would know would be on the 6 o’clock news. Or two days later.

I do not know if it is RIGHT to assist the folks in Ukraine in their war or not. I truly feel sorry for the folks in apartment buildings that have been killed. I KNOW as a (former) military man it is WRONG for an Army to intentionally kill civilians.  I do support sending aid over there. But is it the right thing to do? Shucks, how does an old man know anything about such international events and troubles.  OUR NEWS people think we should know about it, we hear what is right and wrong 24/7 as the cliché goes.

I am glad to see a transition of Gov’t power going fairly smooth as it should.  That is our form of Democracy, and it has worked for many years. My vote does not always go for the winner, but Who ever wins the presidency, is MY President. In this country the vote determines the leader. My vote will go the other way if this one does not work out.

I am just saying our airwaves and internet are full of predictions of ‘heaven is coming’ and then contrarywise, ‘the sky is falling down.’  I predict it will be neither, but we will go along and hopefully congress will get a handle on our national debt, ‘NO’ administration in the past 20+ years has done ANYTHING to curb that (Clinton was the last who did in 2000 methinks, and I did not vote for him) and both parties have had their chance & did basically NOTHING toward solving the debt problem.

So I am tired of predictions so I will, like the rest of the country, wait and see if things go down, who is blamed; if heaven comes down, who will get the credit. LOL

What I started off to say is, WHEN WILL I LEARN THAT  we must wait and see, the POLITICAL BALL  has already started ROLLING; you nor I, will change its direction, even  if we want that, until next voting period.

Thanks for stopping by to read this ssss,,,,stuff!

Nite Shipslog


 Thank all of you that read here. I enjoy comments and appreciate it as I read them. Y’all are the BEST!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Who ever wins, I can only say may it be the best man for the job. We are privileged to vote and the majority rules. So, Yes, we shall see what happens when the votes are counted.

Mevely317 said...

I think my comment just went to spam?
Nevertheless, love y'all!

HappyK said...

I din't know that about the buttons!

Chatty Crone said...

I have a TON of hope for the country for the next four years myself.
Now are you talking three buttons on the sleeve or on the coat itself?