Friday, February 21, 2025

Answers! Log houses in Wisconsin and Maine

 Photo of the day:


This is Bill and Dar (and me) in front of their log house.  She skinned every one of those logs with a two handled draw knife. I saw the knife, she had worn it out!

So for today:

I was asked in a comment: Is Judy the Dar who used to comment regularly?  No.  However, I have blogged about Dar and Bill up in Wisconsin, they did in fact build a beautiful log cabin also.  And yes, Sherry and I were blessed to visit both Log houses.  Both log houses were a great work, and VERY clearly the results of dedicated workers and craftsmen.

We have been blessed to meet wonderful folks thru our time on the internet. The facts are, Mel & Slim the first of three sisters we met. We also met Mel’s sweet daughter. They all basically lived off the land, Slim was a real ‘trapper’ and sold meat, skins and furs I think.

 We met Dar online first, whose hubby is Bill. On our visit to the North Woods, they fed us a great dinner then took us out to their log house, we were even blessed to meet their grands.

 I Say this is the Big ‘O’ family, because their family name begins with O. We met the Family Matron, a sweetheart of a pioneer mama. They live off the land up there in the North Woods, and mama who hunted her meat and always got her deer for meat in the freezer into her 90’s.

                                Above is Mama 'O' with a quilt of her handi work...

There were boys in that family also Dar had a twin brother. We only met the girls. The last was Cher, the author of the blog CherShots ( She is the sister who married a gypsy and left the North Woods for years following her hubby who was actually a career military man.  She last lived in Alaska, but now has moved back near her family in the North Woods of Wisconsin.

On our last day up, Mel and Slim took us to breakfast at a local tavern. What a pleasant surprise, great food and it reminded me of Cheers.

This is me 'n Slim, a little feller!.  See where he got his name? That guy knew the name of every bush and tree that grew in the North Woods.

We will always cherish our memories.  Al & Judy and the Big O family ARE some great memories.

I want to say, everyone we have met is special in their own way. I also want you to know there are still folks I want to meet.  We have enough sense to know our time is short, but I don’t give up easily.

I still want another RV and still have a desire to hike the full 2200 miles of the AT.  Will I do it?  As long as I see sunrise, I can still hope!

Nite Shipslog


Thank, to all of you that read here. We enjoy comments and appreciate them. It is great to have friends that tolerate you!         ;-)  Even OLD ones.  LOL They tell me Florida is cooling off for a few days, Please you guys North of us, shut the door!  ;-)


Mevely317 said...

Thank you for introducing us to your dear friends, Jack and Sherry! Please, don't ever give up your dreams.

HappyK said...

Nice to see the pictures of your friends.
My mom and step dad made a log cabin too. Cut all the trees and peeled the bark. It was just a little one roomed cabin and they lived in while they had a big log cabin built. The cabin they made became the quest house.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

It's good to have "real" friends.

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You certainly have met some wonderful people in your travels. Never give up on your dreams. We all need them to keep us going.