Friday, September 30, 2022


On the road, Fri, Oct 30th

 These pictures are not driving around Atlanta.  These were taken on the way to see Buddy & Di when they lived in NM. Taken at or near Bloomfield, New Mexico.  These are the roads for an 80+ year old man to drive on.  I thought of this today at Atlanta... LOL


 Driving WEST of the Mississippi is a different world....

For today:

We feel so sorry for those folks in the area where Ian came ashore. What destruction!! The flooding was terrible. Since Ian came in lower than projected, it skirted with no damage where our place is and the areas we park the RV.

We checked with our sons who are in Leesburg.  No damage and all services available.  A friend let us know that the latest reservations we have are still good with the park in Wildwood receiving minor damage.

So after Sherry’s last DR appt and before the storm hit the Charlotte, NC area, we hooked up the car and took the westerly trip thru ATLANTA instead of our usual trip along the East Coast.  At the time Ian was using that route.

Jack Jr called early to say they had nice weather and blue skies in Leesburg.  WE left home in a light drizzle. After a little over an hour we had no rain, in 2 hours we had clear blue skies.

We are overnighting in Macon Georgia.

Just an update, we are doing well.  Life is good.

Nite Shipslog


Never hit the Atlanta area at the end of a work day. WALL TO WALL CARS AND TRUCKS, much of the time it is a huge parking lot. LOL  But we survived I even changed lanes and didn't hit anyone I know of. Most of the trip around Atlanta was 5-6 mph. He I got up to 35mph once.... ;-)

Sunday, September 25, 2022

Abortion….. Sometimes I open my mouth and insert foot.

 Auto Photo:

 Many lives are like this:

For today (As always, this is MY OPINION!):

(Cowboy book)  A group of outlaws face the Sheriff. Outlaw leader, “WE are ten to your one, you can’t get us all Lawdog.” The brave Sheriff stands his ground, ”You are right Dustup, but you can bet I will get YOU!”

In the books that statement makes the loudmouth think, ‘dead men don’t win’.. In most books, Dustup and his men ride off, deciding to live to fight another day…. In his men’s mind the thought occurs, ‘OLD DUSTUP’ is ready to let us die, but when HE knows he is the target it is a different story.


Pregnancy? ,,,  We all know the cause. WE also know the woman KNOWS it is HER baby and most of the time she knows WHO is the baby’s daddy.  With modern technology it can be known who is or is not the father!

Laws in this world since the beginning of time have been made by men. We ’SCREAM’ at the Muslim who is allowed to ‘beat’ his wife to keep her in line.  In fact the same thing was ‘allowed’ in our country many years ago, and in some sick minds, still exists.

I do not like abortion, but in the same vein I have never been pregnant. That is not meant to be funny, but to say I DO NOT/CANNOT KNOW THE FEELINGS OF ANY WOMAN WHO LEARNS SHE IS PREGNANT. I do know Sherry tells me now that when she first learned she was expecting our first, she had a husband, and still, ‘it scared her to death,’ (her words)

I PERSONALLY believe there are exceptions for abortions. To wit,  pregnancy due to: mental capacity, incest, rape, and when the mother’s life is at risk.  If the choice is between the baby and my wife, the baby will be sent to heaven!

Now to express the reason for this diatribe, Until LAWS written by men INCLUDE the responsibility of the MAN they SHOULD NEVER be allowed on the books. If you are going to force a 14-15 year old girl to carry the child to term and give birth, THE MAN/BOY should be listed as the father and under law be required to support the child, even if he must quit school and get a job.

If he is a crook, he should be forced to work in a stone quarry and every cent paid, given to support the child.

You may know of shameful situations. We do. A sweet friend who became pregnant in the 1950s was sent to live with relatives in another state to have her baby and was forced to give it up to adoption, SHE WAS NEVER THE SAME!

So “IMHO” until the people who yell MURDERER at a scared young girl entering an abortion clinic are willing to assist that girl, walk in her shoes (mentally) and open their OWN wallets, they should keep their mouths shut!

Okay I said it, but in closing, as a man I have heard MEN SAY: “Yeah Jack, I have two boys at home, I have no idea how many more I left along the way,” usually said laughing.

Also my opinion, MUCH of the time men have sex for their satisfaction, WILL PROMISE OF SAY MUCH to get it.. On the other hand I really think most women who have sex, do it because they are in love, or think they are.

Nite Shipslog

PS: I feel for so sorry for many grandparents who are FORCED to raise their unwanted grandchildren.


Wednesday, September 21, 2022

“YES SIR”, TODAY That 66 number is special

 That Car:

We drove this Rambler (my dad’s car) for our one night honeymoon.

Famous 66's....

 For today:

Sixty-six years ago September 22nd I became the luckiest man in the world. We stood before Justice of the Peace Nunn, in York, SC. There were no 'I do’s' at this little wedding. When asked the question, “Do you take Sherry to be your wife?” This young Marine answered as I was supposed to, “YES SIR!”

This sweet lady followed suit and said, “Yes Sir!”


We became Jack and Sherry Darnell on September 22, 1956.

We have had millions of ups and few downs. Once I was becoming an idiot. She asked if I would go to counseling with her. We did,,, At the US Navy Yard, Washington  DC, we talked to a nice Navy Chaplain. He listened to us both and was all smiles, nods and complimentary. After a while he asked Sherry to step outside for a minute… Then this nice Chaplain turned into the Grinch.

“What the hell is wrong with you Chief, are you stupid? You have a wonderful loving wife and you are acting like an idiot. Now you get your ass out of here, love that girl and go to church with her. I don’t care if you count sheep or plan while there, but go with her. You do not have a problem, I have people waiting who have real problems, now are we on the same page?”

“Yes Sir.”

He invited Sherry back in, all of a sudden he was the nice guy again, sorta like Victor’s Father Ignatius. “I think we have things worked out Mrs. Darnell, you take care.”  Then he dismissed us.

As you can guess, I have never forgotten that meeting. I had the feeling if I didn’t listen to THAT chaplain, I would go to the Brig on bread and water.  Some people know how to make their advice stick. LOL

For us, we were made for each other. I knew from the first she was the BEST. God has been very good and understanding to me. Happy anniversary to the most beautiful girl in the world, MY SHERRY!

66 years later, we haven't changed much. LOL

 Nite Shipslog

Monday, September 19, 2022

Walking in some ones shoes

 Auto Photo:

Twil soon be that time.....

For today:

A lot of jokes have been made about the above statement.

(They are sure gonna be mad when they miss their shoes! Etc)

I stole this graphic from Grandson Ben's FB. Like many people of strong will and character, this guy IS the example of strength in adversities. 

This entry is not related to the graphic above, except being invited to share experiences to really understand their life.

Couples where one is hearing impaired find to keep peace, BOTH must learn some tolerance.  

Hearing aids do a great job for those who are ‘hearing challenged.’ There are problems with them most folks do not know.

..If your hand or someone else gets too close the aid will squeal due to ‘feedback’ like the amplifiers and mikes in auditoriums? My Grandloves (Dar’s word) enjoyed making mine squeal when they were small.

….The hearer cannot understand words as well in a crowd, at times not at all. The aids wearer will usually say I did not hear that, but what we mean is ‘I heard the noise but did not understand what you said.

….Many times the battery dies at JUST the wrong time. LOL

….One other thing that comes to mind is Most of the hearing impaired still read lips to a large extent. So this mask-up thing has really bothered us pretty much. Then of course it is hard to understand someone talking to us from another room or not looking at us.

Southern preachers get carried away at times, talk fast and sorta yell. I told a preacher once if he realized how many ‘bad words’ he used in the pulpit, he would slow down and enunciate his words. I don’t give unsolicited advice or constructive criticism too often, I learned quick most of us don’t appreciate it. LOL

A funny one in that same church (above) My grandson Ben was attending with us, The preacher got really ‘wound up’ and Ben pulled my sleeve and whispered, “Why is he yelling at us?”  I about cracked up, from the mouths of babes….


Nite Shipslog

PS: Another interesting story concerning aids and squealing. I have worn two devices for years. Once hunting I the NC Mountains I realized I had lost one. I yelled for my BIL who could hear to come over. He found my hearing aid because of the squealing feedback as it lay in the weeds. I was then thankful for the ‘feedback.’



Friday, September 16, 2022

Sad but Thankful

Corey Richard Workman 

Corey and Jack Jr. on our last trip across country

For today:

After living over 80 years news out of left field, still sets me back. A couple day ago Jackie Jr. called from Florida with some terrible news. His son Corey (45), out in Portland passed away suddenly. 

 Corey was about 5 years old when he came into our family. He was an unusual kid, red hair and silver teeth. Yes, all his baby teeth were silver capped, he had a brilliant smile that was sure.

On his first stop at our home, we were Grandpa and Grandma. He climbed right in bed with us and slept the first night there.  He stole our hearts. Although not blood kin, he was an integral part of our family.

When Covid was first raging, we had planned a trip to the west coast. Jack Jr. traveled with us and of course we went to see his family in Utah and Portland.  That is the thankful part of all this. We spent about week near Portland and lot of time with Corey. He had dreams of his own trucking company.  He was asking the best way to start the business, questions of financing, etc.  But most of all just being around him. In Portland he had become active in a local church. He was making things RIGHT.

Years before he had stayed in NC with Jack Jr. and had put a lot of gas on my company account at a local filling station. I knew it of course, Jim Groner the owner had told me. I did not say anything to Corey. After he moved to Portland I received the most amazing letter. He confessed to getting gas on the account and wanted to know how much he owed me.  Of course I told him he owed us nothing. I tought that his putting it in writing was enough for me and knowing he was straightening things out.

(Ben & Corey showing one of the houses they were building in SLC)

When Jackie’s son Benjamin was born, HE stole my heart also. The boys grew up to be carpenters. We visited some homes they were building near Salt Lake City. I assumed Corey was the ‘boss’ on their construction crew since he was senior. Corey set me straight, “Grandpa, Ben is the boss on the construction site I am just a worker.” If he hadn’t told me I would have not known, Ben is no bragger, just a get it done type of guy.

Corey, Jack Jr,  Joshua, Benjamin and Stephen (Jack and his sons).

Things that happen unexpected are mind boggling. Corey will be missed by his mother and the extended family, he leaves 3 daughters and a son to grieve.

(Maddison, Chase, Bridger with Corey (Missing Allura Lynn)

Grandma Joan will miss him. He was like a son to her, having raised him the first few years of his life, while his mother was in the USAF.


Nite Shipslog


Sunday, September 11, 2022

Getting it right….

 Auto Photo:

 The 'Gun  Carriage used for MS Thatcher will be used for the Queen also.


For today:

Only a few (people/countries/leaders) get it right the first time around.

I will never forget WWII with my brothers, cousins, uncles and family friends away from home due to the war. I remember thinking FDR was loved 100%. Even my FIL, a dyed in the wool Republican, liked him. Then many years later I was tearing down a house and in the walls found Newspapers from 1945/46. It was fun reading them until I read ‘Letters to the Editor’, in which many expressed their disdain for FDR, I was really shocked. (I still have the news papers)

I am thinking this at the death of Queen Elizabeth. With all the praise there is always the negative. With 24/7 news they love to throw in the NEGATIVE, even though small.

Of course there would be dislike in Africa for anything to do with the “EMPIRE. BUT during her time as Queen a staunch man, Nelson Mandela, rose to leadership. 

WE thought we got it right in the Revolution here. And we did. But we as a nation went on to ALLOW Slavery and harshness to the American Indian. WE as a nation did or allowed some terrible things to happen. We even allowed the imprisonment of Japanese Americans because of the actions of their country.

The proof is in the pudding when we TRY to make things right. And whether you believe it or not we are trying to do that today.  Have we improved? YOU BET! Is it enough, I am not sure, but you can bet we will keep trying, because the idea of a USA is still right, despite its flaws.

Not every father gets it right, but most of us try. Not every man or woman get it right the first time in marriage, but we still try. Some of us learn from our mistakes, others learn BY mistakes.

FUNNY (not haha) after the death of Reagan here in the USA I heard from a BIL who was disgusted at all the hoopla around his burial, “HOW LONG DOES IT TAKE TO BURY ONE MAN???”

The Queen is dead. In most of the world’s population SHE is the only monarch we have ever known of the UK. I THINK, or I HOPE the same type of leadership continues under the King.

Not many folk are perfect like me and have gotten EVERYTHING right in their life time, as my sister would say, “It is tough being perfect!”  ALL SAID WITH TONGUE IN CHEEK, very few of us get it ALL right, but we should still try…..

  Nite Shipslog

PS: sorry for the length, this one stirs my thoughts...



Friday, September 9, 2022




I lost my oldest cousin, Sgt Billy Herron  from mama's side this week, he was 93. It hurts to think of it, but he lost his love Sweet Jerri just a little while ago, I know they are celebrating....

I have no parts book and none I can find on the net, so my old tractor filter was ordered from the advice of 3 sites. It came in and was not the right one. I cannot return something That I ordered wrong. Had they sent what I didn't order I would return it.

Anyway I pulled the weeds, Ivy and vines off the tractor and used the Old filter, I finally got the dude started.

Sherry came over and followed me with the flashers on as I drove the mile or so back over here.

I was fortunate to get the road cleared and then it happened, a large bang, and I was covered with hydraulic fluid, A main line burst, (Knowing soon it could not be moved with no hydraulics) I drove it as fast as I could down to the house barely making it before all hydraulics died and the loader blade and Box scrape were both dragging on the ground. I had to sweep and clean about a 100 yards of road and driveway.... I have a very nice oil track from above Jim's houses down to the RV area of ours. LOL

Anyway I am beat and dreaming of our drive down to Florida soon. LOL

As always cats and kitties are around here...

Nite Shipslog

Thursday, September 8, 2022

Determination of late bloomer?

 Auto Photo:


For today:

At breakfast Sherry and I were talking and all of a sudden as she looked out the window she asked, “Is that a Gardenia? That bush bloomed in the Spring, it was covered!”


Sure enough it was one lonely but determined flower.  Sherry loves them, and they do have a great scent to them.

That is all I had to say, well at the same time I walked down and our family of Ferals were in the drive.


The two large ones are a male and female from Stormy Daniels. Tom is either the daddy or uncle. I like to think the daddy is an orange Tom somewhere, and Tom is the uncle. The kitties sure do like him.

One of the yellow ones is Tommy Tom who hitched a ride to Lenoir a month or so ago. Cats don't pose for me.

Nite Shipslog


Wednesday, September 7, 2022

The passage of time

Auto Photo:

 New when we married.....

For today:

With the addition of the Apartment downstairs we moved our china cabinet up to our kitchen. Doing so, Sherry picked up a couple ceramic figurines, saying to me these were a wedding gift but they were purchased from your brother’s china store.  They have followed us everywhere we have lived, every move:

She said, Jack in 1956 I never thought I would see the prophecy held on the other side come true, but it has. Spin them around, and the bride and groom become an old married couple.

It has happened…….

NOW, the Apartment is most finished, but on hold for a refrigerator and for me to get rid of the Old kitchen furniture.

I contacted a local consignment shop. They have  40/60% policy. We get the 60% of the sale.  Now I have no idea the value of this stuff, but it ain’t a thousand or million $. I really don’t want to deal with moving or showing the stuff myself, etc. I am going out on a limb here. With Sherry’s permission I am going to give it away to anyone who will haul it ALL away themselves. Here it is:


China hutch

Kitchen table.

If it wasn’t all so large I would leave it in the apt.  We have some local folk who read here. So before I put this on a web site I thought I would make the offer here…

Nite Shipslog



Monday, September 5, 2022

 Make our Lord smile!

Auto Photo:

 I miss these service stations.....

(I once worked at one sorta like this)

 For today:

We went to Saint Matthew, SC to hear a former pastor preach. His name was C H Matthews and related to folks who established the town.

On the church sign out front was:

“If you want to make God smile, tell him your plans!” they attributed the statement to Dolly Parton.

BTW (even OLD) ‘C H’ did a great job of ministry, even better than when he was in his 20s!

But this entry is about plans. I had plans this last few days. Three days ago, I looked under the kitchen sink, ouch, a bad leak!  Drop everything, morning was spent repairing sink.

Today I needed to get a tractor started to clear the road to our house.  It has been many moons, maybe 20 years since it was started. I gave it to my son Mark years ago, and it has been setting. I decided to pull the battery and bring it here to charge it.

When I went to our former home (Now owned by Granddaughter Sherece) to retrieve the battery, and before seeing the tractor, I noticed some trees (small 4”-7”) had fallen on the storage building. There were a total of 6 of them.  After getting the battery on charger I grabbed an extension cord and the electric chain saw and headed back.

Jim and Barbara Wills (He did a couple movies)

Clearing the road is for our neighbor James (Jim) Arp. Jim is a couple years older than I. He was famous as a Rock’n Roll singer, 1950s-60s. Lead singer and guitarist for ‘The Del-Rays.’

The city should be clearing the road, but Jim says they told him to do it. It is always good to spend time with Jim, I know some of his jokes are old, but so are we.

Now ain’t you sorry that Sherry said, “At least post once in awhile!”

For fun, Jim Arp:


Nite Shipslog