Wednesday, December 20, 2023

I’m here

  Photo of the day


The beginning of our family, Jack Jr on my knee with my Sweet Sherry in Biloxi Mississippi

So for today:

At times I am afraid to write.  Most of our lives have been an open book.  But the last couple years have forced more privacy, I don’t know why, but things just haven’t gone as ‘planned’.  I know we all experience that bump in the road, but lately the whole road seems bumpy! LOL

Little things bother me too.  Like people who have no idea how to manage money. Our government over the last few decades has shown its citizens you can spend more than you make and live well.

I have given money to men for food, when down inside I thought it would go to alcohol, not food.

I fixed a leak in our motorhome yesterday I hope. I told Sherry it looked like it was fixed, it wasn’t leaking.  She reminded me it hasn’t rained since I got it fixed either. She is a stickler for facts… :-O

Enough of nothing. I do hope you all have a great Christmas.  I keep reminding myself of the REASON for this SEASON.


Nite Shipslog

PS !: PS:. Thanks for stopping by, hope to see you again….


Lisa said...

Stories of you an Sherry make me giggle sometimes. Yall are the cutest.
Just hang in there Jack. He never promised the road would be easy.

Heading to work

Susie said...

Jack, You are a tough fellow and your Sherry has grit also. Lean on each other when needed. As long as your road isn't washed out you are going to make it. Do not get me started on our crazy spending . Pay loafers, give others our money, and penalize the workers. Yikes. Yes, sometimes better to buy a sandwich and give it to the man. Love the picture . Blessings, hold your girl tight. xoxo, Susie

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You said it ... the reason for the season is that Christ visited this earth to get to know us better. God became man so that Jesus might experience our emotions, our fears, hopes and worries and so that He might better relate to us - one-on-one.

Whatever your troubles my friend, whatever your fears and worries; He is with you right now and always. And I am praying for you and yours.

God bless.

yaya said...

Love the photo of you and Sherry and little Jack! Time sure does fly but I'm always happy to see we can relive those memories in photos. That's why I take a lot of them I guess! I'm sorry for the bumpy roads you've had this year. I do hope 2024 is a good one. Doesn't seem unreal to write that date?? Blows my mind! Anyway, have a great weekend ahead!

happyone said...

So nice to see the old photo. :)
I know what you mean about people with money!!
Hope that bumpy road smooths out for you.

Mevely317 said...

Ah, I love that olden photograph. I don't remember having seen it before.
I'm so sorry these bumps in the road are doing 'a number' on your insides. Optimism is hard to come by sometimes. That's why we need each other's shoulder.

Merry or not, Christmas will still be here. I'm still praying for y'all.

Spare Parts and Pics said...

What a wonderful photo and memory! Ya, I think we're all feeling more bumps in the road these days. Have a very Merry Christmas, and here's to a smooth(er) road in 2024!

salemslot9 said...

Hi Jack
I’ve been living on one of those rough roads
for too long
I plan to get on a smoother one soon
before it’s too late...