Thursday, December 7, 2023

They made it and I am proud of them

  Photo of the day


The strongest man in the World from Toccoa, Ga. My dad & mom's home town

Survived Bright's Disease as a child.

So for today:

I was too little to know, so of course,  I do not remember poverty. I learned later that there were times in my family we lived off biscuits and Hoover/gravy. You would have never known it from my mama.  We were fortunate I would declare she could stretch groceries ‘til she died..

You know something? Fact, most of our leaders today have never worried where the next paycheck was coming from, and that is a shame.  They represent folks who have many times squeezed that nickel until it cried.  Most have never worried about having a place to sleep or money for gas to get to work or look for work.  If ANYone has NEVER HAD FO BUDGET, THEY CANNOT really understand the average citizen of this great country.

Did you know Arnold Schwarzenegger homeless as a child lived in a van with his dad? Believe me I really do appreciate those who fought the odds and were able to make it and survive. Oprah was poor and Jim Cary at 12 had no phone, electric and plumbing.  Demi Moore and of course, Elvis made it. Cannot forget Dolly and then Loretta Lynn the coal miner’s daughter.


The world tells the same stories, in England there was Dickens and Charlie Chaplin they knew 'Debtor's Prisons' and such.

                                (Charles Dickens)
Famous people, one my dad knew, was Paul Anderson; from the same area of rural Georgia as my dad. Dad tells of the general store and men talking when Someone told Paul, Paul 'iffn I wuz you I’d go out in them Blue Ridge find the biggest bear and bring him back to Toccoa!”  Daddy said it got quiet, every one looking at the famous local man, he smiled big and said, “Now George, there’s some little bears out there, you should think about that!”  That brought a good laugh and went around the small town.

For your info, Paul Anderson became a famous weight lifter and is touted as the STRONGEST MAN IN THE WORLD by Guinness Book of World records. He once back-lifted 6,270 Lbs (2844.024kg).

I feel sorry for anyone who belittles THOSE who against all odds survived and became famous. OR EVEN as much so, if they (you) survived, worked and raised a family in this tough world. My dad said many times, ‘son, you do not know what that man or woman you pass on the street is facing or has faced and survived!

And to YOU my friends, I am just proud to have survived as long as I have, and met YOU ALL, some wonderful folks.

Nite Shipslog

PS: REMEMBER: THE SURVIVORS, not only from poverty, my friends, BUT surviving disease COUNTS ..... we do not have to agree with them, but you should respect WHAT they survived.   Thanks for visiting We like to know you took the time to stop by.. 


Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you for this inspiring post, Jack. We never know what some people go through in their lives. Modern society has become too self-centred and focussed.

God bless you and yours always.

happyone said...

You are so right!!! What a great post.

Mevely317 said...

How very true! One never knows what someone is living (or has lived) behind their smile.
These examples you cite humble me.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I am a survivor and am now thriving. No matter what faces up we can survive if we put our trust in God. Great post today, thank you !

Jake's a Girl said...

That's a great reminder of if you hadn't walked in someone else's shoes. My dads favorite. You never know what being kind or a smile will do for some. Smiling at a boy the first time I met him in the early 70's will be 50-years of marriage next year. Dad was right. I love reading your blog.