Friday, November 15, 2024

Some things are better left unsaid

Pic of the day;


                                                            Captain Claude Setzer (from the Belmont Historical Pictures)

 For today:

I have heard that somethings are better left unsaid.  But if you really want something known, I reckon you must say it.

So there you go, you have some us humans that MUST speak their mind.  Recently I saw a friend I had not seen in years; she said some things about another friend (a friend from times gone by also) that truly hurt. The person said a few times, “There is one thing I will not do is lie to you, you will get the truth from me.”

On the surface that sounds good, no one wants to be lied to, but at times you get the TRUTH as someone sees it.  AND if it is a problem and YOU cannot do anything about it, wouldn’t it be best that you never knew about it in the first place, since it is really none of your business to start with.

There are times when I do not need to know somethings, especially if they relate to someone, not family, nor even close. If there is a problem and there is NOTHING, I can do about it; it is better If I do to know the TRUTH as someone sees it. Especially if their facts are opposite of your ‘take’ on the person discussed.

An example: A good friend Claude (Now deceased) was a great policeman and former WWII US Marine. He even filled in as temp Chief in our small town, until the permanent Chief was hired. IN my opinion, and to my TRUTH, you would find no better man than Claude. He rated up with the best as a man, father, Christian and Policeman.

WE once lived across the street from Bobby. Bobby is a recovering alcoholic and to his own admission is addicted to gambling.  He made a very disparaging remark about Claude one day, I disagreed with him and let him know Claude was a friend of mine.

Now I have no idea why Bobby would feel that way, I have known Claude since 1954 and could not tell you one small thing wrong about his life.  But he was sure Claude was a sorry person.

I used Bobby, concerning Claude as an example of TRUTH as someone else sees it.

In this world we have people who may not lie, BUT ‘TELL IT LIKE IT IS’, in a way it hurts other’s feelings.


Nite Shipslog


Thanks for all who take  time to read this stuff. Seeing that you have visited makes me feel better.  


Victor S E Moubarak said...

One day someone came to Socrates with some gossip. Socrates said, "Before you tell me what you want to say, I want you to apply a three test filter.

Are you sure what you'll tell me is true?"

The man said no.

Socrates asked, "Is what you'll tell me good?"

The man said no.

Socrates asked again, "Is what you'll tell me useful to me?"

Again the man said no.

To which Socrates replied, "Unless it's true, good and useful I don't want to know!"

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

I can't think of anything to top what Victor just wrote. To that, Amen!
Wishing you and Sherry a most blessed day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I agree. I was always told to tell the truth too and if I couldn't say something nice about a person, then it was better not to say anything at all. Better unsaid than to say something that could hurt another person. Sadly, there are people that just cannot keep their mouths shut. There's way too much of that in our world today.

Susie said...

Way to go Victor. I hate gossip and mean talk in general. I feel it's better to bite your tongue than say hateful things. If you can't be kind then be quiet. LOL Blessings, xoxo, Susie

Chatty Crone said...

I have always had questions about the truth - God doesn't want us to lie. But telling someone that someone is an alcoholic - and I know that = that is not what you said - I am just giving an example of gossip. Unless maybe you are telling a minister for help. If someone asks how they look - gentle is the answer. And what about a sin of omission to save someone or yourself? If you are telling the truth about how you feel - nicely - about a person or situation - gently - without harming them - I think is okay. This topic always confuses me.

HappyK said...

I think a good rule is you shouldn't say anything to someone about someone that you wouldn't say if that person were standing beside you.

Rose said...

I think HappyK has a good rule to live by...