Thursday, January 17, 2019

Jan 17 Happy Birthday to me, today I am old.

Automobiles of Art

Above is a 1939 Pontiac with a Plexiglas body , the year I was born.
Below is the 1955 Dodge, the year Sherry came into my life.

This is the oldest I have ever been. Conversely, as you read this, it is the oldest you have ever been. 

 I am NOW 80 years old. Many years ago I volunteered to pour some concrete at no cost for a family friend, He was about 80 years old. His son was going to send me some help. Since I was going to have help, I ordered all the concrete and it was on its way. The two boys that came to help were college kids. Neither had ever seen wet concrete much less worked it. It was a disaster. Concrete is an unforgiving material. As I finished doing everything I could to make the job halfway decent, I walked over to apologize. “Walt, I am sorry for this mess, but that is the best I could do.” I took out my wallet and paid him for the job I felt so bad.

He knew I had been in trouble, as he watched the job unfold, I will never forget his words.
“Jackie, it’s just a garage floor. As I watched, I wanted to help. In my mind I could get out there with you and screed that concrete, but my common sense said, you are 80 years old, sit right here!”

That concrete is there today. With one real helper the job would have been simple. But now it is a testimony to my ability to finish concrete (NOT).  LOL

Now at 80, I know something about Walt’s mindset. I try to adjust, but it is tough. I still want to DO IT! (Whatever the job)

Of course I plan to enjoy what is left of my life, but I KNOW I have to adjust or possibly injure myself and maybe cause someone else to  be hurt trying to protect me. (It is going to be tough teaching my mind new tricks)

Life has been good, BUT dadgummit, that 'part' of the approaching life, ain’t no fun!

Nite Shipslog
PS: I am not sure I even believe that highlighted part, I want to, but I have been told I am stubborn. 

 Don't look 80, huh?  I noticed I had grabbed one of son Mark's company shirts. I did hats and pens, never a shirt. I am not sure he has one left. I will save it for him.

PS 2: Sorry to take so much time about a birthday,  But this is number 80 and sorta special since I NEVER expected to be in this skin at 80. Thanks for coming by, and for the hundreds (at least) well wishers.


bobbie said...

80 certainly IS special ~ so I wish you a very Happy Birthday, Sir!

Woody said...

Happy Birthday Sailor !!!!! Glad you had a good Birthday ! Someone else had a Birthday today !!!! Check my Blog !! Gary

Rick Watson said...

Your birthday popped up in my calendar this morning. I hope you’ve had a remarkable day.
Happy birthday young’un.

betty said...

Happy birthday Jack! I'm glad you spent the time on your post today! A lot of people don't make it to that age so you should celebrate that you did! Enjoy your 80 years of life. They were basically a lot of good ones where you and Sherry accomplished much. You have so much going for you compared to a lot of other 80 years old so just enjoy that!


Jean said...

I was talking with my niece the other night about my flight out to Texas Christmas I told her it had been 25 years since my first flight this the second one now I'd wait 25 before my next one. I have had to stay in lately due to rain and cold. It’s driving me up the wall. Happy Birthday!!!

Lisa said...

Well, I do not think you look 80! I will be 50 in May. Though I get a little depressed when I think of my age its only because I feel like Im only 30 and the 30 years olds dont want to play with me anymore. On the bright side, I cant hardly wait til my birthday. I have never been that old before.

Happy 80

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

You may be the oldest you've ever been, so am I. Time stops for no one. We cannot do what we used to do, but life isn't over by any means. We do what we can even though it isn't what it used it be, it is still something...What I did yesterday, I may never do again. All any of us can do is the best with what we've got. Happy Birthday!

Chatty Crone said...

Happy birthday to you and I know you will have many more!


happy birthday to you. 80 never looked so good.

Glenda said...

Now that you're on the backside of eighty you can take a break and learn a new hobby, forget about all that "work" stuff!

Glenda said...

p.s. you DON'T look 80, forgot to say that :)

Mevely317 said...

Gosh, it's been nearly a day already … betcha you're not feeling any different? I can sure relate to concrete being an 'unforgiving material' .. were it not for Tom, we'd have had a disaster on our hands for sure. That's only the second time in my life I foolishly said something about that looking easy. (The first was laying bricks.) I hope yours has been a wonderful day, Jack!

salemslot9 said...

belated birthday wishes, Jack!

80 is the new 70

and you can
fit in your
son's clothes :)