Thursday, September 8, 2022

Determination of late bloomer?

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For today:

At breakfast Sherry and I were talking and all of a sudden as she looked out the window she asked, “Is that a Gardenia? That bush bloomed in the Spring, it was covered!”


Sure enough it was one lonely but determined flower.  Sherry loves them, and they do have a great scent to them.

That is all I had to say, well at the same time I walked down and our family of Ferals were in the drive.


The two large ones are a male and female from Stormy Daniels. Tom is either the daddy or uncle. I like to think the daddy is an orange Tom somewhere, and Tom is the uncle. The kitties sure do like him.

One of the yellow ones is Tommy Tom who hitched a ride to Lenoir a month or so ago. Cats don't pose for me.

Nite Shipslog



betty said...

How interesting with just the one gardenia on the bush! Those kitties sure are cute!


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

If things continue as they are, you're never going to be without kittens around. I love that one flower showing up. I tried to raise a gardenia bush here, but we don't live in the right climate so it didn't last long at all. Their fragrance is outstanding !

Mevely317 said...

How cute they are! I'm giggling at your comment (that) they don't pose.
My mother had the most amazing gardenia bush. True, like clockwork it always seemed to bloom around her birthday in April. I was delighted to learn we have one at the front of our house, but it's never been particularly prolific. In fact, this year it only had one bloom.