Yep, we are parked near Wildwood, Fl. We have an end of a row site:

Normally I have our country's flag flying, but I forgot part of the flag poles.

The view from our kitchen area forward. I am sitting in the passenger seat where you see the Monitor as I type.

This is my view. The row of RVs on this street can be seen. My screen saver is our pictures, Evelyn and Don's picture just happened to be on the monitor when I made this shot. They are here in the same RV park at this time.

A quick shot of the driver's seat. Sherry hasn't driven this coach yet, but she will soon.

Below is the vanity the shower is to the left, I could not get the shower, my girl is taking a shower and I don't want to make all the men who read this jealous ;-). The door with blinds is the bedroom entry.
I once built a home for a lady who wanted glass doors into her bath rooms. Never thought we would share something like that. LOL
Now this is behind those blinds, our bedroom first the queen size bed;
Closets and dressing table.
Next is looking out of the BR, the TV (upper center of pic) and the one in th front I haven't figured how to operate yet. LOL

Okay, below is the kitchen area I missed the stove at the left.
Next is the living room couch, it makes a double bed. It has a 'cover over', to save the fabric. It reminds me of the days of 40s and 50s when people (my dad included) would have those cold plastic covers put on car seats to save the fabric to look good when it was traded later. I remember the next to the last car dad bought, he said, "I want to enjoy the soft warm seats rather than save them for someone else!"
To the left you can see part of the dining room booth.
A shot of the lounge chair, Sherry's ice maker is on the counter. That sucker makes ice and does it 6 cubes every 10 minutes. NICE!
Do I like the Winnebago better than our Diplomat? Not sure yet. This is 36 feet long and Dip is 38.5 feet. I do miss that little extra space. I am not liking the spaces I have for this computer and I will get a lap top, soon I hope. Sherry is trying to get used to a tablet, she is having a little problem adjusting, but seems to be able to adapt by also using her phone for internet purposes.
I know you are bored by now so I am off here. Maybe I will get back in step with blogger soon.
Nite Shipslog
"AHOY MATE", Great to see the Post and loved the Pictures, looks to me like a Great Vessel to Travel on ! Things will all fall into Place, It appears you got all your Tags and Plates, Happy to see the Post, was getting worried !,, Take Care and Enjoy ! Sending down Love and best wish's from the crazy snowy, war, rainy, snowy an Sunny North Country ! Gary and Anna Mae
She's so purdy!
Yep, I remember the plastic covering. Thankfully, my parents never had it, but I know several who did (in their homes). We've got one of those quilt-like covers like yours over our old sofa in the sun room hiding like 20 years worth of wear and tear. Great invention!
Me and Nick sitting here studying this rig. It’s nice! I can imagine how you two feel with this one. Lots of memories were made in the other one huh. Now you get to start a new chapter. Hope it gives you many years of fun.
You have more room there than I would have guessed. Looks like a good fit to me. So glad you are enjoying your time there. I never watched much tv when camping there was too much to do outside. We listened to the radio outside. Enjoy your stay and your friends!
Jack, You folks know how to go camping. I love it. Blessings, xoxo, Susie
What a lovely vehicle. I did not realise there's so much space in them. How wonderful to move home from one place to another and you have new surroundings wherever you go.
One question: How does the postman find you? He can hardly chase your vehicle number plate wherever you go. Or do you change your Zip Code as you move?
God bless.
End of row = 🆒
Thanks for the 5 cent tour. 🇺🇸
Have fun you two! It looks like a great place and I'm sure you'll get used to it. I guess this is your idea of downsizing? Ha! I hope no mishaps and just great weather and time with friends!
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