Friday, May 10, 2024

Moscow & Alaska

 Pic of the day:

 Dick and Kat's RV crossing the YUKON river toward Alaska, we shot this picture from in Dawson City waiting our turn to cross.

About Sgt Preston of the Yukon the program did become a TV series in the 1950s but our TV had so much snow and interference it could not be seen. LOL (We had a used TV that has seen its best days. )

THIS, From Michigan, on the banks of the St. Joe River NOT the YUKON):

Puzzled about the name Moscow? I figured some immigrants from Russia has settled there, but this is what I found out:

Town officials had tried to name their city after Luis de Moscoso, a Spanish conquistador, but they decided to shorten the name to M-O-S-C-O. When they submitted an application to create a post office, it came back with the extra letter.

There is an interesting place in the Yukon at Watson Lake. It is called the ‘Sign Forest’. IT was started in 1942 by a homesick soldier who posted the name of his hometown with and arrow pointing south. Other soldiers follow suit.

Dick & Kat pointing to our little sign, I used an old NC license plate with our names on it.

One count is 80,000 signs and ours is one of them. LOL Most folks who travel the Alcan Highway the first-time plan to leave their sign there.

Another interesting place was the Hot Springs. Sherry and I tried them, nice. BUT then when we started to leave one of the jacks on the RV would not retract.  After trying everything I knew, I beat the sucker back up, ruining it. That is when I read about HWH and Moscow Iowa in the RV documents.

WE completed the remaining Alaskan trip without using that jack. I checked the books (No internet back then) and found the HWH people were in Moscow. We stopped by on our way back, and they were SUPER and fixed us right up. They fed us two restaurant meals, two nights parking and replaced the jack for $125.

Speaking of Hot Springs.  We have enjoyed Hot Springs in NC, Texas and in British Columbia.  They still amaze me.

But Moscow? Yes, we are giving one more shot at getting the problem fixed. It is only 250+ miles more. We will head there on or before May 20th for an appointment.


Nite Shipslog


Thank you all for being here…  Smile life is better (on the road)…. It is still good to be above the worms….. (and snakes)


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

What amazing sights you've seen and I hope those Moscoe people can help you out ! 250 miles more is a lot and I wish you safe travels!

Mevely317 said...

You and Sherry have met some really nice folks!
I never would have heard of Moscow, Iowa had it not been for your coach's mishap. I that 'Sign Forest' is something else. I'm thinking my daddy (the traveler) would have loved adding his own to that collection.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

You've certainly been to many nice places. Thank you so much for sharing your travels with us. I enjoy your posts, Jack.

God bless.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh my goodness Jack - you have just been everywhere and have a ton of knowledge up there in your head. Awesome! Good luck.