Sunday, December 8, 2024

Another childhood memory


Headlines from the past:

For today:

I was born January of 1939. Yeah that was many years ago. Some of my first memories was the story of the “Japs attacking Pearl Harbor”.  Yes, the term Japs was used all over this country. I once took a job to clear out a house for demolition in the 1950s.  As a youngster I found news papers that I still have somewhere in storage. They are from the beginning of WWII!


I remember that war. I remember mama praying into the night for my brother Jr. He was in many battles in the Pacific as a gunner on a Destroyer Escort ship. That time set my little mind to becoming a part of the military. I definitely do not remember December 7th 1941, BUT my memories start just a few months later as my brothers went off to war.

My mother would cry when telling me that my brothers went off to war because some bad people had attacked at a place called Pearl Harbor.

I remember the words very plainly, “REMEMBER PEARL HARBOR!”  They were heard throughout my youth.  So YES, I do remember.

I have always wondered and never asked, “What were the words used in England & Europe at the beginning of WWII?  I remember the words “OVER THERE!”. Those I remember very well.

Nite Shipslog


Still THANKFUL for all the visits, Love you guys. Of course each of you is special. Take care! Your reading this stuff and  comments are always appreciated.  



Chatty Crone said...

How I remember Pearl Harbor was my mom telling me about hearing it announced on the radio. They had just gotten married November 22, and my dad went off for a couple of years.
We are so lucky to be in America.

Mevely317 said...

My parents used to speak often about Pearl Harbor. As a matter of fact, when they heard the news, my father hastened mother to pack a hamper while they quickly drove out of town and enjoyed a picnic lunch. They both knew the call would be coming for him to report to duty and just wanted a little while to prepare themselves for what was to come.