Sunday, December 29, 2024

The Kids, Always have associated with telephones


For today:

The telephone one of the greatest inventions for communications. Once phones proved to work, it was tough to get them to all homes; running the wires on poles to every house. I grew up calling those poles, Telephone Poles, because phones lines were strung on them before electricity. Now they are power poles.

Of course, not every home could afford a phone and many times the phone lines were not available.  There were less lines ran so families had to share a phone line. They were called party lines. Two or more families shared the line.  When calls came in all phones on that party line rang. The families knew when it was a call for them because of the rings, One long ring might be the Darnells, 2 shorts and one long might be the Smiths, etc. Note: HappyK, who comments, said she remembers party lines from when they lived in Scotland.

There was no real privacy, because we kids could pick-up the phone real easy and listen to conversations. My sister and I were yelled at many times, "get off this line!" I would bet some nosey old folks did the same. LOL

Then came the dial phones, no party lines and even operators were no longer on the line. Now, oh boy, kids could dream up games.

AT first one of the big ones was to pick a number from the phone book and dial. When answered, the kids would ask, “Is your refrigerator running?” At first the person thought it might be the power company and would answer, “Yes, it is,”

Then the smart aleck statement, “Then you had better run and catch it!” the kids would crackup  laughing and hang up quick.

Oh yes, that phone has been the source of all kinds of fun, jokes and menace.

It is still amazing to us old folks; the speed kids have typing using fingers and thumbs.

I am so old I still refer to it as a phone, but it is much more, it is a very quick acting computer and a great device for learning and communicating.

My sons can answer a lot of questions for Sherry & I, but if I need real advice I must go to their kids.  LOL, Yeah and I bet you do too!

Love hearing from each of you that read, if you don’t comment, I still am blessed you stop by.

God is good.

Nite Shipslog


Thank each of you for stopping by!  We appreciate it. You make our day reading or commenting.  The best to you in the next coming year.



Chatty Crone said...

We used to call people all the time and play jokes! As time wore on - they could call us back and we would get in trouble. No more fun.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Yes, I remember party lines and sharing the phone with your neighbour. Times have sure changed with portable phones these days.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

What memories you've brought up! My poor cell is circling the drain, but I keep dragging my feet -- not only because of the cost, but I don't know any little kids to can guide me through the ropes.

HappyK said...

Oh Yes, I remember all those things about phones. I STILL call them telephone poles!! :)
We had a phone in the kitchen with one LONG cord that used to get tangled up!
We used play those exact jokes on people!!
Sometimes my friend Bernice and I would call a number and sing a hymn. Most people would hang up on us but some actually thanked us. :)

Lisa said...

Oh yea, I remember the telephone. Me and my brothers and sister all had our own phone in rooms but had to share a line. Fighting all the time. One of us was always on the line. Drove daddy and momma crazy.
I remember a guy that wanted to take me out called me up and told me to look out the window. He worked for the telephone company and climbed the pole to call me.