Monday, December 2, 2024

How to get to Heaven, OR your money back!

 Pic of the day;


B.F. Darnell in the Pulpit of East Belmont COG before the church remodel.

For Sheila: Jim & Ivey Hodge….. However they probably moved to OPP many years before  you were  born. LOL

For today:

There is this crazy author somewhere in the United Kingdom who offers directions to heaven in a book, He declares he has the correct information to get us to heaven, or he will return your money.

I made a big mistake; I bought the book. HOWEVER, I am holding onto my receipt in case his advice doesn’t work.  I bought the book hoping to find a good short cut to heaven, WELL, dadgummit, I did not find a short cut!

Yeah, I know he didn’t promise a short cut, but us conservatives are always looking for a BETTER way, RIGHT?

OKAY, that is a bit facetious or maybe a LOT facetious. I met the author online. Victor, the author, is a great guy.  I met him online. He is a dedicated Christian and has written some very good books.  Victor is a witty fellow and I was NOT surprised he would come up with a title like that..

Of course there are no short cuts, and I was willing to spend $5 for a book of 27 pages (including one blank page one side) just so I could kid the old man Victor a little.

However, to his credit, the book is straight forward, and like the WORD, it bends none of God’s directions.

But true to Victor’s wit, I picked up a little gem of knowledge on page 4, that I had never considered. He says: “I wish Christians has as much faith as atheists!”

He went on to explain, that he had never met an atheist who doubted their beliefs, whereas, we Christians do “AT TIMES” have SOME DOUBT!.

Okay, Victor when you read this I must say, I am holding you to your word, as you quote HIS Words. LOL

Thanks Victor, I enjoyed the 45-minute read.  Yeah, I am a slow reader, but I do believe what you wrote. 

If any of you have never read any of Victor’s books, you should. You will appreciate his wit and insights. Several of his book's center around his character creation, Father Ignatius.  I have told Victor several times that I do appreciate his creation. When I read about Father Ignatius, I can see my dad, who was a pastor, and used the same approach to God & His Son Jesus, in his many successful pastorates.

I thank all of you for reading, and yep Victor, you got me on this one… If anyone needs someone to pray for or with you, give Victor a shout,

Nite Shipslog

PS: Victor, I do appreciate you dude!

And I am Still THANKFUL for every reader, Love you guys. Of course each of you is special. Take care and your reading this stuff and  comments are always appreciated..


Chatty Crone said...

Very interesting - is he the man who comments on your post.
You are right atheists and the devil know there is a God/Jesus.
I do know what you mean too ab out doubt at times.
Nice your father was a minister too.
I plan on meeting you and Sherry in Heaven - when the time is right.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Thank you so much, Jack. How very kind of you to write about my book and tell others about me. Yes, this book was written in simple terms for the many out there who know very little about God and have not even bothered to find out. I hope it sparks an interest in them to learn more about our Lord and save their eternity.

Best wishes to you, Sherry and the family in this Advent season and always. Praying for you all.

God bless you and your family, my friends.

Mevely317 said...

Good morning hey for some reason I left two comments on your blog yesterday but that blog or gremlin ate them both just didn't want you to think I was ignoring you Y'all have a blessed day Love from Alabama!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Very interesting post today. Thanks for the intro to Victor. I haven't read his books, but I have seen him comment on several blog posts. I have been assured I'll be in heaven, but I just might have to read that book!