Friday, December 13, 2024

The Impossible Dream

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For today:

I wasn't joking the other day about an almost impossible task I undertook.  Getting the trashed Cub Cadet running, most thought it was A lost cause. LOL

After many hours of playing with it, I came into the RV singing, “To Dream the Impossible Dream”.  Hey Sherry do you hear the Cub Cadet running???

Yes the engine is running, and it is cleaned up. I still yet have to install the belts.  One to run the transmission and the other to turn the cutting blades.

Yep I am a happy camper.  It makes me feel good to fix things. LOL

Oh, thinking back, I am not sure if I put this house on my blog the other day, but here it is. 

I built this one about 25-30 years ago.  It still looks great. It cost me about *65K to build. It sold for about $85k. land and all. It sold again in about 2002 for $105K.  I smile, it is on the market for $335,000.  OUCH

Something has gone haywire somewhere. The property taxes alone on that house will be about $300-360 a month. OUCH again.

Anyway, I am feeling good, I just maybe coming out of my depressed mood. Sherry sure hopes so. 

 Ref the Impossib le Dream, BTW Frankie would have been proud of my rendition. LOL     ;-)


Nite Shipslog


Thank each of you for stopping by.  Of course I appreciate everyone who reads this stuff, I have enjoyed SO VERY MUCH ALL your comments, especially lately. And I have said,.  Words by Unknown or Anon are also held dear. Thanks.

1 comment:

yaya said...

Congrats on fixing that cub cadet! We have one that's about 20yrs old and thankfully still runs great! A few fixups here and there but new ones are so darn expensive! I hope the rest of the fixing goes well. I hope you continue with your good attitude and life continues to bless you. Your homes you built are so pretty and it's crazy how prices have risen! However, if we sell ours I'm hoping for a good return! Ha! Have a good weekend Jack!