Thursday, December 5, 2024

WE lost a Blogger, wishing Fair Winds and Following Seas to a Sailor.


 For today:

Thanks SO VERY MUCH to the reader and commentor who let us know of Woody’s passing. He was ‘Gary Woods’ “Old Woody’s Boomer Page.” His sweet wife Anna Mae sure took care of that guy.  As his heart weakened, she did the  snow clearing, she handled the yard work and flowers, and they shared the cooking around the house.

Woody and I have conversed for years now.  He was a former Sailor and I considered him a shipmate and friend.  He majored in security on ships and merged into Law enforcement.  I was proud to read in his obit that he had been awarded a silver star for saving the life of an accident victim while off duty by performing life saving techniques until medical assisgtance arrived, thus saving a life.

You that have lost a mate will know Anna Mae’s feelings, than the Lord so far Sherry and I have been blessed to still have each other.

I smiled many times at the pictures he shared of his Anna Mae.  You could see the love he had for his lady.

Today just thinking of Woody.. Rest in Peace my friend and enjoy the other side, we know you were ready for the Cruise into the Heavens, ENJOY, but you will be missed, especially by your sweet Anna Mae..

Nite Shipslog


Still THANKFUL for all the visits, Love you guys. Of course each of you is special. Take care and your reading this stuff and  comments are always appreciated.  And AS ALWAYS…...It hurts to lose a friend.


Victor S E Moubarak said...

Eternal rest grant unto him, O Lord and let perpetual light shine upon him. May he rest in peace. Amen

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yes it does hurt to lose a friend. May her rest in eternal peace. Hold on to those good thoughts and memories. They are what we have left, when they leave us.

Mevely317 said...

Oh, I'm sorry to read this, Jack. I know your heart's hurting, but hope you'll smile before long remembering the Good Times.
Hugs from 29* 'Bama.

Chatty Crone said...

Oh how sorry I am for his family and friends and you of course. I do know what it is like to lose friends and it is hard. Hugs.

salemslot9 said...

poor Woody 😞

Spare Parts and Pics said...

Sorry for your loss, Jack. As you said, it really hurts to lose a good friend.

HappyK said...

Sorry to for your loss. Woody sounds like a special person.