Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Those memorable mistakes


For today:


When I taught at NIPS (Naval Intelligence Processing Systems) I was thrilled to find a big pecan tree in our back yard. It was summer and the uniform of the day was WHITES. One day I went out back and gathered pecans I shelled them with my bare hands NOT KNOWING THOSE PECAN STAINS ARE IMPOSSIBLETO REMOVE.

That evening my hands slowly turned brown and BROWNER!  I tried everything, even soaking my hands in Clorox, to no avail. For the next week I was dressed in a stark white uniform with dark hands.  My black students said I was the Watermelon Man, a movie that featured a white man slowly turning Black.

Used salt one time in my coffee vs sugar aboard ship.

On my first ship, during mid watch,  just to pass the time I washed all the nasty looking coffee cups hanging by the coffee pot ( hint, I learned sailors normally NEVER wash their cups they want it to show stained age, time aboard.) Next morning, The first thing I heard was from the leading chief, “WHAT FOOL WASHED MY CUP? (I did not say a word!)

 Oh yes, DAy light savings time!  Once stationed in Norfolk, I took the family to church, and no one was there? What has happened? we asked each other, Then my favorite wife says, "Honey, we are an hour early!"

I have taken the wrong road several times in my driving; I have had the names Wrong-way Jack and U-turn Jack for many years. BUT the worst was on the way to Canada from NC once; I took the wrong turn after entering Virgina and drove 100 miles directly WEST into Tennessee, when I should have been going North. There were no short cuts in the mountains, so I had to retract the 100 miles. OUCH!


Oh, the worst mistake I ever made was forgetting Sherry’s Birthday!  I later heard a minister say, “A sure way to never forget your wife’s BD….(a pause)…. Just forget it once!!!! True Dat!

I have made some doozies in my time. I am sure some biggies will come to my fading brain in the next few days.

Nite Shipslog



Thank each of you for stopping by!  We appreciate it. You make our day reading or commenting.  I bet you don’t even know that Wednesday will be the first day of 2025. And I just got used to using 2024! ‘-)



Victor S E Moubarak said...

Mistakes ... I've made a few; but then again, too few to mention. Like plagiarism for instance. I do hate plagiarism.

It is so cheap and so bad. I wish people would stop doing it.

Would it not be wonderful if everyone was original and there was no plagiarism? You, may say I'm a dreamer. But I'm not the only one. I hope someday you will join us. And the world will be as one. No plagiarism.

God bless you Jack and Sherry. Happy New Year and beyond.

Chatty Crone said...

I loved this - so nice you are able to admit your mistakes.

I have many too - one big one - at the house I insisted on taking it from the wild to manicured. Got a hot tub we never used. Put down a patio we didn't use. Boy I could use that money now.

I have done others too - but it is the past - won't do it again - and start new tomorrow!

jadarnel27 said...

You may have shared it on the blog before, but one of my favorite "U-Turn Jack" stories is when you drove the RV along a treacherous mountain road and ended up on some kind of military training field :-)

Once when I was leading worship at church, I played the intro to a song, and was about to sing, when I realized I had started in the wrong key - it was much too high for me to even begin. I had to stop, tell the congregation "I messed up, let's try that again" and start all over 😅

Mevely317 said...

I love these self-deprecating stories, Jack! Yep, our first year here in Alabama, I tried opening those dang pecans with my fingers, too. If it had been permissible to wear gloves all Summer I might have tried that. Isn't it curious how, looking back, we're able to laugh at ourselves. Laughter is, after all, the best medicine.

HappyK said...

I did that same thing once, but with Walnuts!!
Making mistakes is part of life. It's a big person who can admit them. :)

yaya said...

I really try not to make the same mistake twice. I have some good ones too but won't go into it now! Ha! The best thing is having a new day, a new week, a new year to start over and also hope most folks have short memories or they really don't focus on us as much as we think they do! Happy New Year to you and Sherry! Hugs from Ohio!

Lisa said...

Mistakes are all just a part of learning. I have made many mistakes but I don’t know what my biggest one is. None are so bad that they have ruined my life.

From over here.