Monday, October 10, 2011

Empty RV Parks

One thing nice about coming to Florida during the months of Sept-December, is the lack of fellow snow birds. We usually have camp grounds basically to ourselves. No close neighbors, just the freedom to walk and talk uninterrupted. It is the same whether it is a private park or a state park. The Rangers, workers, and volunteers have time to talk and visit also.

empty 001

Folks that work at RV parks whether State or private are great folk. Helpful, informative and they do not mind smiling.  Well, except the time Ranger Carolyn got the report that a boy and girl were taking a shower together in the women's side. She charged in ordered them to get their clothes on and get out. the explanation? The guy said they had to, they only had one bar of soap! LOL

I told Ranger Carolyn it sounded right to me; she said, “But what do you know?”

“Yeah there is that.”  I did think it was funny though.


(I forgot to show you Paula’s Texas Dentist the other day!)

But being down here like now, if Sherry and I want to shoot pool (which we never do) there are two tables open. Also a giant screen TV if we wanted to go watch cable in the Rec room, with no one there.

We will have it this way for a couple more months, each month the number will increase, but not drastically like it will just after Christmas.

empty 002

So as boring as it may seem to some, this is very nice to us. We seldom get involved in the activities of the winter. My hearing(lack of) prevents a lot of interacting.

One of the main questions asked me is, “How do you stay that close to your wife 24/7 and not scream and fuss?”

I really never know how to answer that question. I am sure these guys love their wives.  Maybe it is because we have had some long separations in our lives with me on deployments, etc. Times apart that we cried (privately) for just a letter (when mail was delayed).  Now that I have her all the time, it is hard to get enough of that sweet lady.



(Anniversary last year in Albuquerque with Buddy & Di)

We were talking last night about some of our anniversaries. That girl can remember so many. This year we were in Mahogany Bay.  last year we were in Albuquerque, the year before that was the Catskills. But we both remember well the first one. Bobby Helms singing Fraulein was the #1 song, I was in a NATO landing in Saros Bay, Turkey (USMC) She was in Belmont, NC. the other 54 anniversaries some how, we have arranged to be together.

Together is fun.

Thanks for coming this way.

Nite Shipslog


I have good advice for all young men on how to remember your anniversary and your wife’s Birthday……. Forget it ONE time.  I have done both. I NEVER FORGET NOW!


Today’s car: The a-Model p/u and steam locomotive



Paula said...

I like the one bar of soap idea of the young man. Course if it had been my daughter I wouldn't have been amused. Love the pictures of you two. You take good pictures, mine always look just like me.

Anonymous said...

I know it want let me comment.


shirl72 said...

Can you believe that I put anonymous and it came back with shirl72 google. Maybe I will do that all the time to comment. Works this time.
That is a good picture with You and Sherry people
Remember people would ask Kat that question.
We are going to have rain tomorrow. Coca Cola
band playing tomorrow night at Seniors meeting.
They are loud. Comments will be interesting.


shirl72 said...

PS didn't proofread comment and delete People after Sherry's name. I was so happy it let me comment I got in a hurry before it changed.


Anonymous said...

Loved the shower story. Now I have an excuse at the ready, just in csae. The dentist picture is a hoot!



I would love having a place to ourselves, like that. The freedom you talk about having there at the RV Park sounds heavenly. My husband and I have also had long seperations because of jobs, out of town. So I understand how you feel about having all this time to spend with your wife. Your photos are lovely. Take care.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

It's like that often at our campground except for the weekends. I love going during the week when all is quiet and I have the place practically to myself. The campers are still there, but the people aren't . I did notice that a couple had pulled out last weekend and wondered if they were headed south. Only 3 more weekends if we;re lucky til the place closes for the winter though. I sure will miss it.

Ken Riches said...

I never understand those who do not want to spend as much time with their mate as they can.

Anonymous said...

Grover and I are together 24/7, but it hasn't always been that way when we both worked he work days and I work nights and it was always hello and good night for years only on the weekend.That's a pretty place where you're staying. Take care and don't get to wet,lol. Jean

betty said...

I don't know why I thought snow birds would hit in October and stay until April. Interesting that the big crowd doesn't hit until after December, but neat that you guys are able to enjoy the quiet of the parks for a few months. You two make such a great couple! I know you both enjoy your time together!!


Fred Alton said...

This is perhaps THE VERY BEST of all the pictures I've seen of you and Sherry. That pic demands a frame! You made me wish we had come on down to FL before the after Christmas traffic starts. Now it looks like it will be February before we get there.