Wednesday, April 2, 2014

Once back in Belmont

(Today we are on the road, tonight, we will be in Fair Play, South Carolina)

We arrived back in Belmont. My buddy Vondale’s dad had a trailer park just across the river in Mecklenburg County, so we arranged for our trailer to be delivered there.

I passed all the tests for the ministry, met the board for an oral exam and went to a summer school as a refresher course. We were blessed when a church was available. It was back in Missouri. A small church that we had attended located in Moberly, Mo.  Sherry and I were both happy to be going back to a church we knew, and knew the people.

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(Our new Career, Rev. Jack Darnell, Sherry, Jack Jr and Mark.)

These folk were salt of the earth. Some of the most precious folk we ever knew. Our congregation was very small. Around 25-35 folk.

Our parsonage was a converted chicken house. We were on an adventure. Who cared if the floors slanted and there were 6 linoleums on the floor. There was one bed room and no doors. Except on the bathroom.

But we were happy.  To make the payments and utilities the ladies made fried pies and I sold them.  The fried pies were delicious, a recipe Sherry picked up in Biloxi. I enjoyed giving a money back guarantee if someone did not like them, no one ever took me up on that.

My daddy had given me one sentence or two advice. Love your people, seek God, do not go in debt and God’s people will feed you.

He was right we never went hungry.

Once while taking a lady member to the hospital in Columbia, our Rambler quit on Sherry.  She walked to a service station and called me. I asked her what was wrong with the car, her words were, “Honey I don’t know what is wrong, the last time I saw it smoke was coming from under the hood.”

Since we had only the one car, I do not know how the boys and I got there and I do not remember how we got it to the garage. I know we did not rent a car, we could not have afforded it.

The mechanic said, “Rambler has an aluminum head, I can weld it for $60, but I do not guarantee it for 5 seconds.”

Being a believer, I prayed then said, “Weld it!”  He did, and within 30 seconds steam again was coming out. the weld had failed. 
So much for my faith, huh?

So, what do you do if you are a young fellow and have a dad…………., you call him.  He said,  “Son you need a head.  I will send one out on the next Greyhound headed that way,” and he did.  (That is one reason I have tried to be a good dad, I haven’t always qualified, but I have tried.)

The mechanic said he would replace the head when it got there for $60. I had gambled all our extra money on the weld. So I went to the bank. I knew the banker because he bought fried pies from me.

“I need a loan.”

“Ok, how much, and for how long?”

“$60 for 6 months.”

Not even a laugh or a smile, “You got it.”

Payments were $10.25 a month for six months.

Thanks for stopping by.

Nite Shipslog


I did enjoy the church there. And the people were the best.



I believe we had a 1957 Rambler then…


Mike@Bit About Britain said...

Thanks for visiting A Bit About Britain - pop by again. All the best with your travelling!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

I remember my Dad having a Rambler..!
Come on home the weather is beautiful...until this coming weekend....hahahahaha!!!

Rose said...

It's always a pleasure to stop by your blog.

Love the photo!

Elizabeth said...

Oh my, you and Sherry have had some adventures!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Yet another move for you, it seems to have been a very worth while one. Not many can live and enjoy it in those circumstances, but you did and loved it too. I do love fried pies and have burnt my fingers more than once making them too. Still and all I never had a test of faith like yours, or a dad so ready to help either. He was more of a learn by your mistakes kind of guy. I hope you do have safe travels and enjoy the ride back home.

betty said...

Now I want to try one of those fried pies! That is how business should be done, like between you and that banker; sadly these days that "personal" connection is often not there. Enjoying reading these posts on your ministry days!


Jackie said...

I love to try and keep up with where you and Sherry are as you are on the road, my friend.
Tonight in South Carolina.

Jean said...

I've been working in the yard it's nice and pretty here today. You talking about apple pies it's making my mouth water. I love fried apple pies, but haven't been able to cook them like the ladies from our church did when I was growing up. Church dinners they were the best. Have a safe trip back to your home town. Jean

shirl72 said...

Those were the days. Life is
getting good. I think fried pies
was a career in our family.
I never had one of Sherry's, but
Mother made hundreds to make money
for the church. Lots of hard work.
Look where we are all today. HAPPY


Replacing a head is an expensive proposition, for sure. Glad it worked out for you in the end.

Paula said...

Interesting post as usual. Mel and I lived in an apartment that had wavy floors and that ain't all that was wrong with it. Paid $35.00 a month.

Chatty Crone said...

I have so much fun coming here and reading about your past. So now you are a preacher - how long?