Saturday, April 8, 2023

Cowboys, boys and sin

 Animals and cars:

This is really a car with one horse power!

I never thought a cowboy would take his horse for a ride!

For today:

I was raised in a church that had strict rules about smoking, stealing, lying, chewing, dipping, drinking and cussing. Girls were not allowed to cut their hair. Most boys and girls could live with that.  BUT we also were not allowed to ‘go to the SHOW’ (Movie theatre).

It brings back a smile. As early as the first grade I learned how to sneak off and pay 9 cents to see a movie. 99% were cowboy movies. Gene, Rex, Roy, Lash Larue or the Durango Kid, to name some. Then TV came along.  That threw a monkey wrench into the game. Our general church never did make a ‘ruling’ on it, but many listed TV as a SIN along with going to the show. 

Crazy Horse carving near Rushmore and below, Sonny & I having a Saspirillo in the Long Branch at Dodge City.

I never could see what was wrong with cowboy movies back then. MOST had a moral. Very few of the heroes would drink a beer, but in a saloon they chose milk or saspirilla. If any of the bad guys made fun & picked a fight, they ended up losing because the good guys always won.

I still read cowboy books and have enjoyed going to Ghost Towns out west. Walking around Dodge City and Tombstone was fun. When traveling to see the Chiricahua National Monument in Arizona we passed thru the town of Wilcox. There I saw the ‘Rex Allen’ museum.

 We had to stop.  Small town museums are the BEST! I loved it. I learned that REX was the only cowboy that actually was raised on a ranch.

But back to early religious standards.  I see no problem in questioning some of the man-made rules that decides our Christian lives. It should not be done lightly, however. It is better to NOT partake in some things and activities, but that does not make it a SIN for the Christian. (IMO)

They tell me over and over that salt is NOT good for me, but I cannot for the life of me see it as a SIN. I read somewhere that we should ‘work out our salvation and to respect our God.’

Not a sermon, just me thinking and expressing my feelings.

Nite Shipslog

PS: As you read this we hope to be on the road in our rolling home.

We back in NC. This did not post when I wrote it, so ow it is EASTER time and a wonderful time for Christians. YES I remember Easter as a child but mainly the easter eggs. Mama told me eery time I cracked an egg to think of Jesus's tomb breaking open like eggs when chicks were hatched, LIFE comes from eggs.

BUT what I remembered most was the deviled egg sandwiches the week after easter, I loved them.  LOL


Chatty Crone said...

Happy Easter.
How you are in your rolling home.
I don't remember my church teaching no movies or tv. Actually there was nothing bad on them.
Now my church (Methodist) likes things that I consider wrong.
I think what I do is read the bible and ask God what is right and what is wrong and try to follow it.
Just love HIM.

Susan Kane said...

You're home!! You and Sherry must enjoy settling in.
Our family's church was the even more focused on what was sin. Wearing sleeveless shirt/dress, makeup, jewelry, and any ornamentation was sin. Women cleaning the church during the week had to wear dresses. No dancing, movies, or worldly music---those were sin as well. No bowling either, since beers were sold there. The list is long, and I left there with a sense of relief.
Rejoice! Jesus has risen! Salvation is ours for the asking. Enjoy the day.

salemslot9 said...

I miss my Mom’s deviled eggs.
Ya I know I can make em.
But it’s just not the same. 🥚🥚🥚

Victor S E Moubarak said...

In Olden Days our church used to issue a list of which cinema films are bad and we should not see them because of sexy scenes etc ...

This ensured that everyone went to see these films !!!

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Our church never taught going to movies was a sin, but I went to one that said we couldn't polish our fingernails or go to dances with friends. I moved to another church and was happy there until I met my husband and once again changed churches to go to his church. I've been there now for close to 50 years and it's become home to me. We all sin at one time or another but we have been forgiven is we but believe!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Opps that should have read if we but believe. Our sins have been forgiven.

Ireland said...

Thanks for your enthusiasm and creativity in writing this blog