Sunday, April 2, 2023

Just me…..

Animals and cars:


(WHAT did you say? I still cannot hear you!)

For today:

I’m smiling at myself. I sat here and wrote over 400 words, after re-reading them I just stared at them, they were mostly fussing and negative, whoa, that is not me I said, and deleted the post.

Earlier today I heard a sermon and said, “Some-people are just negative and cannot help it.  The sermon was 96% negative but the minister ended with about 5 minutes of fairly positive things from scripture.”

HArdworking Christians need positive, they work hard and face adversity during the week, My Lord was positive, I am sure he said, come unto me ye that are heavy laden, and I will give you rest, not another whipping.

I thank the Lord I was raised in a positive family. My dad said people need to be lifted up, NOT beaten down. I have been too negative lately. I hope to do better.

I heard a man say once, “I am a positive person, I am POSITIVE everything is going to go wrong!”  It was a joke but I knew FOR HIM, there was some truth in the remark.. LOL

I am expecting the sun to break through the dark clouds.  Sooner would be good, but I am going to strive to BELIEVE and KNOW GOOD things are on the horizon. Of course I am not blind, bad things happen to the good and bad alike.  BUT REALLY MORE GOOD THINGS HAPPEN TO GOOD PEOPLE TOO!

Life is good and I must strive to be better and more positive.

My sweet departed sister would say, “I’m not worried, just concerned.”  My problem lately has been, that concern of mine turned into WORRY!

Nite Shipslog


Unknown said...

Don't be so hard on yourself, you're human, and as mere mortals we all get into a funk sometime. I know it's hard, but try not to worry so much, everything will be okay. Trust in the lord.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

I understand ... we all need hope from time to time. Praying for you all.

God bless.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A positive attitude can change every thing ! Try to keep your chin up and keep smiling!

Mevely317 said...

You and I aren't really so different, Jack. And I suspect there are more of us out there than we realize.

Something that happened at church yesterday: Not once or twice, but several times Pastor Janet plumb 'messed up' -- even failing to fill the Communion chalice before services. During this oh-so-Holy sacrament, she broke the bread saying, "This is my body (etc.)." Continuing, "He took the wine and said ..."
She peers into the chalice and without missing a beat, "The juice is still downstairs." Good thing our little congregation loves to laugh.

Anyway, towards the conclusion of the service Janet admitted how we all from time to time 'mess up' -- but "THAT doesn't keep Jesus out."

Anonymous said...

It's always a pleasure to read your words and view your photos...especially when Sherry is one of those photographed! Love you two and all of yours! Jackie and Mark gave you two some awesome kiddos! Love and hugs from Okeechobee!

Chatty Crone said...

Jack, it is okay to be negative once in awhile. No one is perfect. Then we vent, pray, and move on. I try to look at the positives every day and write 5 down a day - I do it, but I can still be negative. We are human.

yaya said...

My Dad was a very positive person and no matter what was going on I knew if Dad was smiling all was well. One Dad's company went on strike, he suffered a heart attach, my Grandpa died and just when things started getting better our house burned down. Standing on the front lawn with Dad's arm around me he assured me that all would be good. In fact at the end of the year he said he was just grateful nothing bad had happened to us that year! I know he meant that all us 6 kids were healthy, safe and our home was rebuilt. I'm glad I had such positivity in my life! Have a wonderful Easter weekend Jack and Sherry!

Woody said...

Keeping you and Sherry and your Family in our Prayers, Snow is slowly leaving, it's Good Friday and soon Easter ! Hoping you are both doing well and "Happy Easter" ! sending down Love and Prayers from the North, Gary and Anna Mae