I have lived many years, headed toward 75, but I am always amazed at folks who have severe handicaps, and act if nothing is wrong. Many go on to win awards, excel in medicine, academia or other research.
It takes much extra effort. I mentioned the deaf and blind Vet I saw the other day, now deaf and blind is a CHALLENGE.
I think growing up I was amazed by Helen Keller as much as anyone. What an amazing story.
As I have entered on this Blog, Sherry and I had the privilege of having dinner with Bill Irwin and his lovely wife. Bill is the only blind person to hike the Appalachian Trail. At the time we met them they were building their own home in Maine. I mean, they were building it, not subcontracting it.
What got me thinking of this was the men and women severely injured by the bombs at the Boston Marathon. What a challenge they face. One day having two good legs, now without one or both.
I asked the Audiologist about the Cochlea Implant for me. I was wondering if my age would make me ineligible. She said I would be a candidate, then proceeded to tell me how much involved the whole process was.
Our friend Ora, who seldom blogs anymore, has first hand knowledge. We visited with them once, I think maybe I need to talk to her again. She is also one tough cookie.
My Aunt Georgia was blind, but could get around in her house and appear to be seeing. She told me once how she knew a glass or cup was about full. And as far as getting around in the house, she remembered the steps from one point to the next.
Ray Charles and Stevie wonder on the piano.
Many many more out there that make impossible look easy. My hat is off to them.
Nite Shipslog
The one thing these guys have in common, is determination and a desire to reach a goal.
I have heard that Winston Churchill was born in a bathroom of a dance hall.
The futuristic Volkswagen. It hovers, even goes above cars in traffic.
You gotta like this ‘37 Hudson Terreplane