Except for major car costs today, this has been a hectic day. LOL. when bonnie sent me the last chapter of my book I was absolutely beside my self. I like this book.
AN THEN IT HAPPENED! I knew I only had a bout an hour of work and the baby would be born, how stupid of me. I sat down here and made a PDF of the book in five minutes. Located the printer and said this is ready (to a machine). I smiled and hit send. I get this thermometer, that says ‘I’M UP LOADING YOUR BOOK’ 0% UPLOADED’ off and on this went on for three hours. I finally went to bed to see if it was just super slow.
Sherry got up at 3am, and said, “Did you know your computer was still on?”
Yep. I got up and it said, “0% uploaded”.
I researched and worked all day (when we weren’t waiting to pay some mechanic). I was thinking what am I doing wrong.
It also was saying your cover sucks, and I ain’t accepting it. I love talking to machines.
About 7pm tonight my sweet wife who has been walking on eggs afraid to upset me, says lets go for a ride, I want to see how the van sounds with new tires. So I smirked and said OKAY! Just after we got in the car she says the magic words, “Let’s go to the DAriy Queen, I’ll get you a Tropical Blizzard.”
Okay what up tight man can refuse that. So to our local DQ we go. “WOULD YO BELIEVE IT, MY LUCK IS STILL HOLDING, THEY MADE ME A CHOCOLATE BLIZZARD!”
My girl got it replaced.
I calmed down some, realizing, I will never see Charlie Ward at the DQ again. He was killed crossing the road near here. A lovely gentle man, I have known him for years. All of a sudden the book wasn’t that important.
I have watched the e-mails grow all day, up to 46. I decided to check them out, this is what I see:
An Actual picture of my 46 e-mails. The four I guessed at were spam. I will get around to them sometime. In there somewhere is the directions of what to do next about the book. LOL An e-mail from the printer.
Around 9pm Sherry was tired of my griping and hearing the bad words, she said try this computer. Don’t it just make you mad when SHE is SO RIGHT! On her computer The printer didn’t like all he saw, Didn’t like the English composition even some spelling. It was in conversations.
I still had to change the cover no amount of yelling with capitol letters got through. So I changed it. I still like ti, but not as well as my first impression.
But sorry I never got around to any blogs today, but I think the baby is actually n the way.. The system is still checking the fonts and layouts before they will print the proofs.
Nite all
It pays to listen to your wife. I am not sure if that works the other way or not. LOL
I am just going to sit here for a few minutes and think how nice it would be to deliver my books in one of these.
what a day you've had...my little computer/printer skirmishes are nothing compared to what you've been going through...but pray tell me how does a COMPUTER decide it doesn't like your cover? and the final blow...DQ gets it wrong?...the ultimate woe...but your lovely wife saves the day, bless her...hope it's sorted now and all is blissful in the land of Jack and Sherry :)
Sorry your day was so stressful. Computers never cease to baffle me. They do have a mind of their own sometimes. Glad your Sherry was there to help out. You two do make a good pair. One complimenting the other. Hope your Wednesday is a wonderful one!
Thank you, Jack! Your post has made me feel so much better about myself. I thought I must just be the only one who could have those kinds of problems and that I was the cause of it all. Now I see that it even happens to my most knowledgeable friends! Thanks. I've had the blahs for a few days now. It's tax time - and that's sure to pick me up, right? Ha. Maybe I'll go for a chocolate blizzard today. ☺
Jack I think about Charlie many
times. He always had a smile
I miss him. Well I was worried
when you told me yesterday about
the printer not working the way
it should printing your book.
At least Z was happy you got it
running. We all have those days
Just be happy you are not alone.
Life has its surprises and some not
happy. Everything going to be OK.
I even helped you worry all day
after you told me about the printer. Waiting for you to tell
me I can stop worrying. SIS
Well, it sounds like 'the Baby is Born'...CONGRATULATIONS :-) I cannot wait to read " Finally Love." I'm just sorry you had so many computer woes getting there. I think your excitement got the best of you, dear boy.
Congrats again and love you guys.
Bill n' Dar
Computers can irritate the daylights outa me....when they don't work!
I am so happy that your book is "birthed"....
Congratulations to you, my friend.
Hope your day goes smoother today. I was getting a message I didn't like and was so frustrated. Finally saw the time was set wrong and then saw the date was back to 2007. When I corrected it all was well.
What a crazy day you had with blizzards and computers. Hope today is better.
Yes, it pays to listen to your wife(not all wives), & no, it does not work the other way. ;o
You always resurrect interesting memories here. ~Mary
Phew you were stressed and thank goodness for your wife to help you calm down. lol I hate computers. And I have to say you were a little over my head there. I read your last blog everything turned out okay. sandie
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