(This nutcracker is about $50 I will stick to the rock and hammer)
Last year Don & Evelyn gave us a bushel of walnuts. We finally got around to cracking them. A good walnut cracker is very expensive. I am trying putting some in hot water. Actually I put them in a 4 qt pot and brought the water to a boil then let them set.
Then after pouring the water off found a good rock and used the hammer to crack them. Do you know a better way? We still have a bunch to go. This way (boiling them and getting the nut warm, no jokes now) we did get some much bigger pieces as we picked them. The theory was that the nut would be more flexible warm and would not break as easily. Seemed to work.
I did sell the bike and boat (sorry Mel). Now with my drawing stuff out of the basement I have room for the spare tire in the basement. One thing I thought was funny, when I first started driving a large RV, I did not see a spare tire. I asked the salesman, ‘where is the spare tire ?’ His answer, “What would you do with it if you had one?” It took a little while to understand what he meant. A spare on the wheel for these things weighs over a hundred pounds. He is right, I could not handle it. So we have road service. On real long trips, I will keep an unmounted spare (85lbs.) in case of a blow out.
(our present home)
I got to thinking back about that 1953 MG, so it got me to looking and I have spent entirely too much time looking and drooling all over the net and all over the country. That is a great car. I wonder what they sell for over in England. I should have check their used cars. I think I will.
(I sure would look good in this)
Jack Jr. is down visiting with us. we are really enjoying this. He is going to house sit for us while we are gone on OUR CRUISE (starting Sept 18th out of Tampa).
Thanks for reading this stuff
Nite Shipslog
The reason Politicians try so hard to get re-elected is that they would 'hate' to have to make a living under the laws they've passed.
Car of the day:
What a car 1938, a year before I was born.(that is OLD)
I loved those cars ~ and your home looks very inviting ~ Ally
Ally Lifewithally x
Love that MG sportscar! And your home looks inviting there in the shade of that oak tree especially with the USA flag and the Navy Flag out front. Remind us of when you are getting back from your cruise? Hopefully - we'll be down there about that time.
We found a local source of walnuts already out of the hull. $8 per quart jar full. I think it's well worth it.
I'm sitting here in my camper enjoying my bowl of chili this afternoon. It tastes real good as it's on 59 degrees out. I know that in the spring we will think that 59 feels wonderful but after such a very hot summer it is pretty cold. Glad Jack Jr. can stay at your place while you are off on the cruise. Gives him a break too. The 18th is this Sunday already. How exciting!!!
Sounds like a good way to crack nuts. It must be fun too digging out the filling. I use a handheld cracker but as I age it gets harder and harder to do. Your home looks very comfy, cozy.
Never have cracked walnuts. Around here it is all about pecans.
We still have a pecan cracker that my MIL bought at the Salvation Army when she was alive. It was new $5.00. I used to own an MG Midget. I loved it. Bought it used. Glad that the son is staying there while you and Sherry cruise around. I was wondering what you would do with the home while you were gone. Thought you would probably put it one of those fenced in rental places. Have a great time and stay safe. Helen
Wow, your cruise is coming up so soon!! I'm sure you'll have a great time! That is true, I never thought of the spare tire for a RV, not only heavy but probably very hard to change; roadside service sounds like the best option!
Reminded me of Christmas. Whenever we have such nuts, I try to open them by hand, sometimes it works.
Please have you all a good weekend.
Have a great time will be waiting to hear all about your cruise. Don't get sea sick, lol. Jean
Glad you are having a good visit with JJ. I know
he enjoying his vacation and relaxing. He
works so hard he deserves some time off.
Well the day is almost here for the big Cruise.
Start packing....
Have missed so many of your entries, but am all caught up finally. About those watermelon seeds, you eating them and all for roughage~that's exactly what Dad used to do with an apple~ate the entire thing, for roughage, he'd say.
Glad your trip south was a successful and safe one. I'd sure hate to attempt to change a tire on your MH. We did that once on our Class C and it was no picnic. I can imagine the RV would be right tricky.
Thanks for the Anniv. wishes and back atcha~~~I didn't realize we shared the perfect month for our anniversaries. Only thing is, the only ' cruisin' we are doing, is from point A (home) to point B (the cabin). We are fine with our cruise but want to wish you two lovies the best time of your lives. Of course, that will be a cinch for old hands at marriage as the two of you are.
Have a blast without us, bon voyage' and
Have fun on that cruise! That's one thing that really never interested me ~ going in a boat where there were critters in the water that would consider me a part of the food chain if I was to fall in. But then again ... who am I to talk ~ I'm out cruising around in the woods all the time and there are critters out there too that would consider me part of the food chain if the opportunity would strike them. Now about the boat = you just had to rub salt in the wound. I didn't even get my ride in it and you up and sell it on me. I'll forgive you :) I could never stay mad at ya!! You're both just too sweet and loveable ~ well at least Sherry is. LOL
You must be talking about black walnuts. I once wrote a blog entry on Richard's adventures trying to crack them. I'm amazed that Jack found them for so little.
We have never owned a walnut tree but the squirrels bring them down from the hoarders and make a mess where we walk out to the car. They are really destructive here in Ne. Not the walnuts, the squirrels. I never boiled a walnut but I am not a huge walnut lover. I tried to post last night. Feel pretty good but have one miserable cold. By the way, Sherry make sure Jack brings you home on that cruise. So many women have disappeared on a cruise. Knowing you 2 he won't let you out of his sight.
Love, Love, Love the l953 MG!
Enjoy your cruise. Take photos to share with us.
I'm signing in as Anonymous as I'm still having a hard time leaving a comment on your site for some reason.....driving me crazy?
Hugs, Rose
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