Ahhh, sweet corn is in, we bought 13 ears for $2.50. Came home and fixed them the way I learned on the internet last year. If you like corn on the cob, this is a great way to fix it.
It goes in the microwave just the way it is husk, silks and all. 4 mins. per ear. Roll the ears about half way thru. With a good knife, cut the base of the ear off just into the kernels. make sure you use mitts or something to keep from burning your hands. Hold the husks near the silks and shake the ear. In a few shakes the whole ear comes out with 99% of the silks GONE with the husk. Butter and salt and eat. The corn is so sweet this year it is unbelievable.
We bought some more peaches too, but they are not real sweet. They were selling the corn just as fast as they could take in the money. They had already emptied one wagon load and started on the second before noon.
My girl, who thinks she is recovered, fixed a delicious meal. She fixed the rest of Shirl and Evelyn’s squash, A BIG POT of stewed corn and left over pinto beans(& cornbread). That corn was some of the best I have EVER had. What a great meal my sweetheart fixed.
Of course we are really enjoying ourselves. Every evening we have a few thunder showers that cools things off very well. I think of the folks who are not getting any rain and feel for them.
We are contemplating another trip up to the Appalachian trail for a few miles hike. The trail skirts Lancaster by about 40-50 miles on the west and North as I follows the mountain range.
I must say again this fresh ‘sweet corn’ is DELICIOUS!
Thanks for coming this way.
Nite Shipslog
English pubs, ale is ordered by pints and quarts... So in old England , when
customers got unruly, the bartender would yell at them 'Mind your pints and quarts, and settle down.' . . .It's where we get
the phrase 'mind your P's and Q's'
Mark and Sherry(both wearing bell bottoms) sitting on the 1955 Chevy I bought for $50.
Marty, Jack Jr’s dead eye buddy and the car after It was restored.
Something's you regret. I sold it for $500.