Monday, March 11, 2024

Getting ready ain't no fun.....

Picture from the past: 

Our Granddaughter Sherece, I knew she would be a great Beautician, She is now Sherry's Hair go TO!!!!  

Sherry & I have been getting ready to hit the road on Tuesday.  Really we are always anxious to get moving but when we lived in the coach there was nothing to do but secure everything loose, disconnect the electrical, water and sewer and drive off.

Now we must transfer some clothes, empty a refrigerator, unload some shelves of food and take it all to the coach.  Try to remember all the electronics stuff required today along with my hearing equipment and what meds we want to take along this time. 

Then I must clean up my playhouse and cut the grass.

Anyway, it is a hassle, but worth every minute of it.

Thanks for stopping by, Life goes on, I am trying to remember...

Nite Shipslog

PS:Thanks for all the comments and good thoughts......

We will over night somewhere near the coast in Georgia Probly.


Susan Kane said...

You two are the wanderers. You will enjoy another jaunt on the road. Keep up posting.

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Bon voyage my friends. Enjoy your holiday.

God bless always.

salemslot9 said...

I still have one of those mirrors

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I'm so happy for you that you can once again travel in your coach. I agree, getting older ain't much fun at all. What was once easy to do is now very difficult to do. I would never be able to do what I once did as far as camping went. I used to load up the car with everything I thought I'd need at the camper and the unload it all when I arrived at the campsite. Good thing I quit when we did. Little did I realize getting old would be so difficult. Hope you have a safe and happy trip! Enjoy it while you can still do so!

Chatty Crone said...

You have all that to do - yesterday? You are leaving today - oh my - that is a lot!
Getting older is hard - we deserve a medal - lol.
Hope you have a wonderful time.

Mevely317 said...

What an adorable little girl!
So, I'm guessing y'all are on the road already.
'Thinking of Willie Nelson's, "On the road again!"I don't think I ever asked -- do you listen to any special music or audio books along the way?

Stay safe out there!

yaya said...

I hope your travels are going good. Are you going to travel near the eclipse sites? It's a big deal around here since we're in a good spot for it but if it rains I imagine lots of folks will be disappointed! I guess I didn't know you were such a wonderful artist. Your wall paintings are really good! So fun! Have safe travels you two love birds!

HappyK said...

Great Photo!!!