Sunday, March 17, 2024

Just remembering some real things

 Pic of the day:


 Sherry's Summer Bible School class at the old Presbyterian church,

Yeah, she has always been cute.....

For today:

Remembering somethings makes me smile.  The white wall tires of the past. Buying tires at one time involved trading in your ‘recappable’ tires.  White walls cost more, at times $23, Blackwalls were about $15 while recaps were $8 to $10. Therefore most of us cheap guys bought black walls and added what was called white wall rings.

Oh yeah and if you bought WW tires you could mess them up if you parked against the curbs, so you added ‘curb feelers’ and listened to the hit the curb to save the white wall.

This one I never understood why we did it, but we bought ½ Moon head light covers.  I turned mine so the car looked ‘cross-eyed’. It cut your brilliance down ½ but we didn’t care, they were cool.  LOL

I miss bumpers too, they protected the body of the car, now they are decorative, not protective.

We didn’t have a TV AT HOME, if we had, it would have been black and white.  Then the COLOR TV came out and many folks could not afford one.  SO some GENIUS(?) came up with a plastic screen cover that went on the B/W screen. It was shaded green at the bottom and blended to light and the upper was shaded blue. LOL  Yep people bought them.

And if you were close enough to that TV station you could use indoor rabbit ears and not have one of the high outside antennas.

I know some of you who read here KNOW some of this OLD stuff,,,,

Nite Shipslog


God has allowed us to meet some of the best folk on the planet. In person and here on the net.  Thank you all for being here… and being YOU!



Chatty Crone said...

The thing I have a hard time believing is how you remember the prices of everything let alone the items! Your memory is excellent.
I remember the tv's - I don't remember having one of those screens that change it to color - interesting.

salemslot9 said...

My Mom mentioned color screen.
I’m familiar with b&w tv & antennas
One time when we didn’t have a tv
we watched Show & Tell
It played 45 records & film strips
of children’s stories

Victor S E Moubarak said...

Yep, I remember the white walls tires. We even painted black tires white to make them look good.

Also, a stripe painted on the side of the car made the car go faster.

I remember those TV aerials too. If you got too close you'd lose the picture on the screen and everyone shouted at you. Sitting still for hours at a time was hurting for your back.

God bless.

Mevely317 said...

What a fun post! I'm going to have to ask Tom if he doesn't remember those white-wall rings. The moon headlight covers, too. I think our next-door neighbors had one of those film thingies they put over their television. I hadn't thought about that in ages!

PS - I've not had any luck finding Wayne -- but haven't given up hope just yet. How much easier it would be if I worked for the IRS or SS Administration ... hahaha.

Mevely317 said...

PS - Tom wants to know if you remember blue dots in the taillights. ๐Ÿ™ƒ

Sheila Y said...

We had a tall antenna attached to the back of the house. But during hurricane Eloise, mom told my brother to go turn the antenna so she could see the news better and he came back and said I can’t. The wind had bent it over. It also took our neighbors metal shed, rolled it to her back fence, then lifted it over it. ๐Ÿ˜Š Hope your day is going well! ❤️ Sheila