Saturday, June 1, 2013

Things are winding down…

I have a couple things on my list to do before heading out of town for a couple months of so. Today I was able to install steps and a gate onto a deck for Grandson Josh.  It was a good day.  He came home at lunch to check on the progress, it was nice to see him in a tie.

Anyway that was a job I had promised, and is is done.  Now the biggie, cutting a hole in the Z-28 and removing the fuel pump and replacing it.  It is in Shirl’s basement and ready to work on.  She is nice enough  to store it and talk to it while we are gone.  I think they have become friends.  LOL

Sherry has made plans to do something for Luke on his graduation from HS.  I think he picked Ruby Tuesday’s as the place.  He is one handsome dude.

Luke 2013a

He almost looks like his Grandpa! LOL..(If he just has a lot of wrinkles, was bald and had a beard!)

He is really a good young man, and we are proud of him.  He heads off to Eastern NC to college  soon.

Once that graduation is over, the my Doctor’s appointment about my hearing aids, then we are off.

We plan a 7,500 mile trip and may take over tow months.  The first couple weeks are planned, but after that the we will play it by ear. That is what we like about our life on the road.  Of course I will try to do some more detailing on the next book, which will be a travel book.

I am already thinking of a continuation of my last book, ‘Finally Love’.

Thanks for coming this way.

Nite Shipslog


Lately I have been thinking of the song George Burns sang so well, ‘I Wish I was Eighteen Again’.


cars from Charlotte 026cars from Charlotte 029

195x something  ed brown1931gRAHAM1932_Ford_roadster_black_fvl

When I was 18 hot rods and customizing was the THING!


shirl72 said...

Love the cars back to the 50's.
Luke is a handsome and a good
boy. I know all the girls will
be after him. Graduation Day
is a big day. Wishing him Best
Wishes and good luck.

Chatty Crone said...

Congrats to your grandson. He is a very handsome young man.

And you are almost off for a long long trip - that has to be exciting. That is a lot of miles to put on yourselves! But fun too.

I am excited - you will have the computer?



How exciting. That's a lot of miles you two plan to travel. Congrats to your grandson on his graduation.

Louis la Vache said...

Congratulations to your grandson!
He is indeed a handsome young man!

Someone did a nice job of incorporating those Packard Clipper taillights into that red Buick! If Packard had been able to sell as many cars as they did those Clipper taillights, their story may have had a different ending!

Jackie said...

Luke is a handsome young man. I congratulate him on his wonderful accomplishment and wish him only the best in his college years in eastern NC.
Have a beautiful time traveling, Jack. You are Sherry make my heart smile...and you know that I am thinking of you both as you see this beautiful country.
Hugs to you both,

Paula said...

Congratulations and best wishes to Luke.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Sounds like some very busy days there for you. I wish your handsome grandson the best of luck on his graduation. It is a moment he'll never forget. Hope you all have a wonderful Sunday!

Anonymous said...

You write 7500 miles like it is nothing. Luke does look like you, & I am sure you & Sherry are proud to bursting over him.

I always enjoy reading your observations. Even when you know something well, you never have an all-knowing attitude. You also never sound your own trumpet so once in a while we have to do it for you.