Friday, February 7, 2014

Deer Pee AND Cow Flatulent could be destroying the world.

(Yahoonews) The booming deer population in the northern United States is bad for the animal's beloved hemlocks, a new study finds.


(You saying my mama does what in the woods?)

During Michigan winters, white-tailed deer converge on stands of young hemlocks for protection from winter chill and predators. The same deer return every year to their favorite clumps of the bushy evergreens, called deeryards. The high concentration of deer in a small space saturates the soils with nitrogen from pee, according to a study published online in the journal Ecology. While deer pee can be a valuable source of nitrogen, a rare and necessary nutrient for plants, some deeryards are now too rich for the hemlocks to grow.




In a new study, the FAO said that livestock farming makes up 14.5% of all human-caused greenhouse gas emissions, claiming that the report is the most comprehensive estimate made to-date of livestock's contribution to global warming.


(That is what I think of your criticizing my flatulents).

In the similar report from 2006, which provoked much controversy, the FAO said global meat production was responsible for 18% of greenhouse gas emissions—more than all of the world's cars, trains and planes combined.

The organization said that methane from livestock every year was equivalent to around 144 million tons of oil, proposing solutions like breeding less-flatulent types of cows. (So, maybe we breed some less flatulent folks too?)


(Think a little, before you blame me again!)

So what is the logical answer?  On one hand we have the folks who are against harvesting the deer for commercial reasons.  We have folks who have made their living raising cattle for thousands of years. If you believe in creation, did God make the mistake of creating the cow or giving the deer too long a life span?

Come on folks, we cannot fix every thing in nature. Maybe legislate gas reducing chemicals to be added to the grass and ‘cubes’ (I learned that from Paula and John).  It seems that every answer in the world is come chemical or drug.

Anyway, if you ‘thinking’ people have an answer  the global warming folk want to hear from you. As for me? I don’t eat much beef, but when I walk around the RV park and smell that beef a-cooking,IT SMELLS GREAT! 

Night Shipslog

PS:  We regulate, then over regulate, trying to fix nature. A very unwieldy task. 

I would love to see venison sold in the meat markets.



No more chuck wagons and cowboy trucks..



Anonymous said...

This post ought to be the "fodder" for a lot of cow flatulence jokes, lol.
Seriously, did you see the headline the other day where a barn exploded because of cow flatulence? I saw the headline and figured a bunch of middle- school boys would really get a hoot out of the article.
Actually my son, who is quite a bit older than middle-school age, asked me if I had read it.

Just think, raising cattle might save us from the next ice age, lol!

You did a good job with the pictures and captions; they are funny.

bonnie k.

Paula said...

Interesting subject but I don't know the answer. I've always wondered why they call cubes, cubes. They aren't even square, they are long and round but the cows don't care.

shirl72 said...

My neighbor saw 3 deer in our
backyard. I wish they would come
back. My friend Mary has deer at
the lake and she says they eat
the green monkey grass. I need them to come and eat mine out front.

Sounds like this blog is full of
Bull S*#t. I guess I should say
full of bull flatulent. Only your Sister would talk like this.

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

There is really not much we can do to control the weather. I heard that this unusually cold winter was caused by a volcano eruption. Now there is some hot air ain't nobody going to stop.


We just have to let nature be and whatever happens, happens.

betty said...

Interesting topic, Jack. All I know is when we've driven by dairy farms and such and if we happen to be driving with the wind so to speak, it sure is a bit smelly out there. But I do like the benefits of cows with meat and milk.
