Wednesday, August 24, 2011

Dumb day

This must be dumb day. I have been thinking of a couple dumb things I have done in my life. Now one of them wasn’t trying to snap the snakes head off, That is not a dumb thing, I just didn’t do it right. I have since done it right. haha.


1948 Chevy convertible, my first car.

But when I got my first car, I parked it down town in front of the drug store. I was showing Sherry the spot the other day when we walked down town for coffee. Anyway, when I left the drug store I walked right past my car and walked home. As I got close to home I noticed my car was not in front of the house. Huh oh, I turned around and walked back to town to get my car.


On the job once I did plug my extension cord into itself and wondered why my saw would not come on.


I also have the record for U-turns, even in the motor home. That is why I like Texas and out west, there is enough room to do a u-turn in a motor home while towing even. I tried to find pictures of my worst u-turn experience which was in Tellico Plains, TN where I stuck the MH up to it’s axles.

I once went to the wrong town to go to the hospital. I drove to Statesville, NC and should have went to Salisbury. Well they both do start with an S. Fortunately I was early enough I still was on time after driving the extra 40 miles to make it to the right town. I try to be early. In that case a good thing.

Once I drove 100 miles directly West when I was supposed to be going North. I have also gotten off the Interstate to get diesel and get back on the interstate going the wrong direction.

Rather than saying I am crazy, I prefer PRE OCCUPIED! lol.

I had a BIL who was a preacher a wonderful intelligent man. He was invited to preach at a church in Dallas, NC. He went to the wrong church, even the wrong denomination. (fortunately he found it out before too late and went on the correct church).

I would tell you something dumb Sherry has done, but the only dumb thing that girl has ever done was marry me. LOL. (That was my good luck)

Thanks for stopping by this log. (I think I am at the right place)

Nite shipslog



Women and cats will do as they please, and men and dogs should relax and get used to the idea.

Car of the day:


This was really a beauty the 1955 Plymouth. Sport paint and a continental kit.


Bookncoffee said...

lol. good entry. I do dumb stuff all the time but I just can't remember them. lol

Paula said...

Cute entry Jack. I always go early too just in case I pull one of these dumb bunny things as I so often do.

shirl72 said...

I do dumb things but can't remember a one of them. It must not worry me or I could remember.
I'm sure there will be more. As we grow older
we can be excused.


shirl72 said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
shirl72 said...

My comment was on two times so I had to delete
one. How about this being dumb. It took so
long to come up I thought it was lost and commented again.



Loved this. The dumbest thing I ever did was to lock my car with the keys in it and engine running so I could see a movie. I had a heck of a time trying to figure out how to break into the car, to turn the engine off and retrieve my keys.

Fred Alton said...

"Dumb" is a word I try not to ever use. Leaving a church service one Sunday at a remote church in Alabama, I put the keys to my truck in my hip pocket, called a locksmith and paid to have it opened. Searced for the keys high and low, finally sat down dejectedly in the seat and felt them sticking my backside! "Pre-occupied"! I like that word much better!!!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I guess we all have those kind of days. Sometimes when my starts that way, I just quit what ever I'd planned to do. Hope your Thursday is a wonderful one!

Anonymous said...

I did send an email today with : unsalable integrity..when I meant the doctor had unassailable integrity. He found it very funny...& pointed it out to me in return email.

Ack..yeah, dumb day.