WE do have a very close friend who has had a couple bad experiences with Air Streamers, actually she has now named them Sewer Tubes!
I think I mentioned that our boys raced Moto-cross for awhile. That was a community. Then when we started hiking the AT, we found a whole new world of folks who lived and breathed hiking and the Appalachian trail

Perhaps you are in or have been in a close knit group. We sorta wish we were into line-dancing or really any kind of dancing. It seems like it would be such great exercise. Neither Sherry nor I, ever learned to dance, so we do not get involved in that. In Gitmo we did do some Square dancing, of course there I could hear, couldn’t do that now. Hahaha!
Humans are drawn together by common interests. Bowling leagues for example and years ago there was the big CB radio groups.
(This is a small Good Sammer rally, seriously, some rallies go to 10,000 units and more)
RV’rs for example who like the comradere, join others to form clubs. There are the Good Samers, Escapee’s, Escapers, and Road Warriors. It would be impossible to name them all there are hundreds of groups who get together for rallies all over the country.

RV’rs for example who like the comradere, join others to form clubs. There are the Good Samers, Escapee’s, Escapers, and Road Warriors. It would be impossible to name them all there are hundreds of groups who get together for rallies all over the country.
We are pretty independent. Even though we belong to the Good Sam Club we do not attend rallies. WE pay for their road service and when we stay at a ‘Good Sam Park’ of course use the discount. You don’t have to be an active member of any group to enjoy meeting and talking with campers.
Life on the road is interesting no matter what paygrade you are. You seldom meet the guy who is ‘better than you’; mostly we are on a level playing field whether we sleep in a bed or in a sleeping bag. We are all considered ‘Campers’ whether in reality we are or not.
Take care.
Nite Shipslog
Life on the road is interesting no matter what paygrade you are. You seldom meet the guy who is ‘better than you’; mostly we are on a level playing field whether we sleep in a bed or in a sleeping bag. We are all considered ‘Campers’ whether in reality we are or not.
Take care.
Nite Shipslog
And they ask---Why I Like Retirement?
Question: How many days in a week?
Answer: 6 Saturdays, 1 Sunday
Question: When is a retiree's bedtime?
Answer: Three hours after he falls asleep on the couch.
Question: How many retirees to change a light bulb?
Answer: Only one, but it might take all day
I think you and Sherry picked a great lifestyle for you, Jack; one you can be involved with friends at campsites but if you want to be on your own and independent, there's flexibility there. May you be able to do it for as long as you want to continue to do so
That's a nice post. :)
I think it is so nice these different groups have this fellowship and all accept each other no matter what level of life you come from. We saw lots of motorcycle riders on our little trip. Wish you two had learned to line dance. It is a much more fun way to exercise then the usual way.
Everybody I know who does line dancing loves it. I've never tried it but they used to have classes for it out in the country not far from where I grew up and they always had a big turn out.I've never camped out either other than when I was younger and we camped out in the backyard at home. I just don't think that type of life would appeal to me but I'm sure you meet people from all walks of life when you're traveling from one campground to another.
Love ya'll
We camped out when Marty was young and fished in the blue river and we were sunburned and dirty and beat when we got home. Slept like a baby then. I bet you do meet some interesting people. I hope you are enjoying my foot stool. lol
I started out camping as a kid, once in a blue moon, with my folks and siblings..once married to Bill, we used to camp every chance we had, which was every weekend and several weeks in summer or early fall. There is something about being in the fresh air. We started out in a tent, then a Class C Motorhome, then sold it after we built the log cabin. Funny, but now I miss it again. I envy your carefree lifestyle.
You and Sherry are fulfilling a dream and bless your hearts for being able to do just that.
Bless Your Travels and Stay Safe
Your life of travelling sounds idylic ~ may you long continue to enjoy it for years to come ~ Ally x
Being a member of the "club" may have something to do with RVing. I've been a "member" of that group known as CBers, have joined several service clubs such as Ham Radio clubs, ARRL, etc., Kiwanis, etc. Even joined the "99ers" while living in Kenya. But somehow ... I think camping does more for me than any club. Good post!
Thank you for changing mood towards the good. A wonderful entry of yours for sure, I could write pages about to thank, yet allow me to take a bow in silence and wish you two a wonderful Tuesday.
I always like to read and hear about the ones
you met on the trail. You have met some good
friends in the Navy and on the trail. You have
had two different life styles. Glad you are
doing what you like. I still like you both
around but I know you are just like "Willie" you
love on the road. Love it when you are home.
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