“Ten ways to Sooth a CRYING BABY”.
WHAT? GUARANTEED? Make a million if you could get these ideas to Mommy and Daddy at two in the morning, when they have to get up at six to go to work. Hahahahha!

Ohhhhhh, how memories are dredged up by thinking of those days!
(I have at least ten pictures of Sherry giving babies baths, Ican't find a one, I don't know this baby, but it is cute!)

Is there something silly you as an adult would like to have that is a toy of the last two or three generations? Well when I was a kid Vondale had a little boat that had an outboard motor on it. We played with it in the creek several times. It only went the way the motor was set and did not have a remote control. It looked like a little outboard boat. He told me the other day he still has that. That is neat.

But I think I want a little remote control car or big wheel truck, to play with when we park. Oh I just thought, a guy parked behind us once had a remote helicopter, it looked like fun but, I think I will stick to a car or truck, so I can play.

Is there something silly you as an adult would like to have that is a toy of the last two or three generations? Well when I was a kid Vondale had a little boat that had an outboard motor on it. We played with it in the creek several times. It only went the way the motor was set and did not have a remote control. It looked like a little outboard boat. He told me the other day he still has that. That is neat.

But I think I want a little remote control car or big wheel truck, to play with when we park. Oh I just thought, a guy parked behind us once had a remote helicopter, it looked like fun but, I think I will stick to a car or truck, so I can play.
Hi Jack and Sherry too...sorry not to comment for so long...I missed you...however!!! and about the new book...how come mine isn't here yet??? it is a nice day here in Lexington for the first of march...I was hoping it would be gloomy, disgusting cold, raining and maybe a snowflake or two...but nooooooooo...kinda sunny,,no wind to speak of...38 degrees...sheesh...by the end of march we will have some of the worst weather possible over Easter time....ho hummmmmmmmm!!!!! we are doing fine...had Mixon's birthday yesterday with cake and ice cream....and ordered pizza when everyone stayed and stayed and stayed...and we got hungry LOLOL...it was a good day and a good time...lots of love and hugs to you both....that crazy dame in KY who lives with him whoever!!!! LOLOL
Didn't have my own babies so I helped keep others. Rocking at 3:00am was not any fun.
You thought they would be asleep and started to
put them to bed and they would start again.
It was not lu-la-by-baby.
Get you and Sherry a remote car should be fun
to race up and down the driveway.
Ha, how interesting to read. In the end all the toys did not work with Stefan and mostly we "went for a walk" through the living-room, kitchen, kids room and back, during his early months, espec. while getting teeths, not rarely until after midnight - it was (and still is) a wonderful time, even though he sleeps now mostly after eleven and as well "whole-nighter's".
A wonderful Wednesday for you two.
Yes I do think it would be a good thing for you and Sherry to have some little remote cars to race with. I'm betting on Sherry. A few years ago I bought a set of jacks and ball for myself and now I don't remember where I put them. I would like to have a slinky too. They are so relaxing to flop them from one hand to the other or fun to put one at the top of stairs and give it a push and watch it walk down.
my son and hubby used to be involved in RC cars/racing/monster trucks. It is a really fun hobby and you meet lots of nice people, but it is expensive! those cars/trucks don't come cheap and then they break a lot, but it was good in a season of time when my son needed an activity like that
you and Sherry racing would be a blast I'm sure!
love babies, but you are right, when they are crying and you can't figure it out, that is a hard thing to deal with
The toy I want is a Cessna 172. You know the saying, "The difference between a man and a boy is the price of his toy!" Since I cannot afford the 172, maybe I'll settle for a 4X4 side by side. That's a toy we could really play with in the woods around the cabin! Sorry about the deleted post - but I had mis-spelled a word which just could not be left like it was on the internet. :D ☺
CryBabies are a tough call...my Grams used to put a drop of Brandy on her finger and rub babies gums with it...it worked best when they were teething...now, the middle of the night had me walking and rocking and usually falling back to sleep first...
As for toys...you both should get the wall air cars...little remote control Zero Gravity cars that travel on flat walls and ceilings...or better yet, are the little 2 inch cars, also remote that come with their own charger...if someone is running one across the floor and you only see it out of the corner of your eye, you'd think it was a mouse that needs stompin'....whatever, have a great time playing...personally, I love my Big Bear 4X4 that takes me anywhere in the woods, down the roads and muddin'...now that's a fun toy
About all I remember as far as crying babies was when I babysat for 6 families to be a stay at home mom for my youngest, All of the kids were 2 and under. I got those kids all down for a nap and all my kids heard coming home from school was SSSHHHH. If they didn't listen I threatened to make them care for whoever got woke up.It worked. Yes Jack those electrodes were what I was talking about. The best feeling in the world to a sore back.
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