Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Touchin Base From St. Joseph's Mercy in Ann Arbor

Johnny is holding his own. The Hospital, St. Joseph's Mercy hospital is one of the nicest I have ever been in. They have unlimited visitation in ICU, never heard of that.

I have heard this before, the operation was a success, the heart is good, all vital signs are good, but he is having problems with his lungs.

There is no such thing as a 'Routine' or 'Simple' operation as far as I am concerned. Anytime they invade you body there is a chance of something going wrong. But we are praying along with you and many others that all will come out for the best and Johnny can be himself again.

I am off this borrowed computer now. Y'all take care out there.

Good day Shipslog

PS: When I get the hang of this computer I will try to read some blogs, I miss them, thanks for the support.

Please remember the car and motor home, they are scared to death, they have never seen SNOW like this!!! hahahahahaha


Cher' Shots said...

We will hold Johnny up in prayer along with the medical staff and his supportive family and friends.
Buy yourself a REAL shovel! What you're using is like trying to dig out with a teaspoon. If you need a break you can always drive around the big lake and come spend some time with us.
'love & hugs from afar'

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I do hope you all have some sunshine there today. We do and some melting is going on but it's still very cold. Hope the news of Johnny continues to get better. We'll be praying for you all!

Paula said...

My best to Johnny and to both of you. Hope your car and motor home get over their fright soon.

Anonymous said...

Sending you only the very best of thoughts and prayers.

Dar said...

Our prayers are true and strong for Johnny, yourselves and one tucked in there for your scared vehicles. I agree about any invasion of the human body, but it sounds like he is under great care there and he has Sherry and you there with him. That's the greatest comfort, I'm sure. Hang in there with the snow and cold. I know it's a shock to your systems but you are needed in the North for awhile. Even our sun feels warm sometimes in the winter. Ha!
BlessYourHearts, AllOfYouWhoLoveAndAreWithJohnny