Sunday, January 6, 2013


Until lately I have not deleted comments.If someone wanted to comment negatively, I left it on.  I like leaving the comment section open for Anonymous because sometime that is the only way in with Blogger.

I don’t like the verification ‘to prove you are not a machine’, because it discourages comments. I have been at spots where I had to try 3-4 times to get in. I don’t blame folks for having them, but I do not want them on my blog.

I imagine that comment approval by the blogger is one of the best ways, but that causes the blogger a little extra work, and I am lazy sometime.

Friend Robert, gave me some advice once that has worked very well, to require approval for the comments on entries that are over 5 days old. That works well.

I imagine I will stay the same, but the spam type comments are becoming much more frequent.  Any suggestions would be appreciated.

A relaxing Sunday here on the Peace River, it is a beautiful day in the 80’s with a nice breeze, no A/C.

Time to relax…..

the right pacifier

Thinking of the ‘O’ girls and Bill, Slim and Thom…..

Sometimes a man must do what a man must do:



I felt good this morning. It was time to tell that hen I was tired of all the clucking and noise…….










I feel much better after the little talk….

been a rough week

Some days are tough, but we men are tougher! (Get that Lucy? LOL)

Nite Shipslog,


At times a simple job turns into a nightmare.



WWII everyone got in on the act to save America, and that time not from itself.

(Help, I do not know that car, Me thinks it is not a Ford or Chevy)


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

I went to the comment approval. I don't like the prove your not a robot thing at all, but spammers are definitely getting worse. I used to get a lot of them so removed the anoyomous option too. Since then I really haven't gotten any spam. I could probably take off the comment approval. You are right though, it does keep others from being able to comment and I miss them.
Hope you enjoy that nice warm day there. We are up in the 30's which is an improvement for us.

jack69 said...

Comment from Joan in Utah, could it be a Chrysler? maybe, even a Plymouth. , The grill design shows possibly '39-41 something...

jack69 said...

The headlights and hood/grill combo get me, maybe a Merc?

Jackie said...

Spam was a problem for me, too.
I simply moderate my comments, and it doesn't take long to post them. If I have my cellphone, I can post them from there.
I hope that you and Sherry are having a great time. I'm envious!

betty said...

Glad it is a relaxing day for you guys Jack and Sherry!

I'm going to write this comment and then take my Sunday afternoon nap :)

I don't get much spam. Blogger catches a lot of mine; a few slip through on the blog and I just delete them; maybe one or so a month if that many. I do have comment moderation on for posts 14 days or older; that cuts down a lot on spam. Maybe monitor and see when the spam comes in, after 3-4 days after you post or whatever and then shorten the length of your comment moderation option. just a thought :)


Anonymous said...

Yes, life is interesting over here in blog-land. Still have a few from time to time, yet ...

There's a Cock living right next to us and every morning at about 6am he starts ... so far he survived already a few months, we shall see.

Please have you all a good new week ahead.

Chatty Crone said...

I have never seen a spam on yours - so I am sorry. I don't allow anonymous comments so I have not had any problems. Loved your rooster there.

Paula said...

Just stopping in to say "HI" Company is packing. Whew need to do lots of cleaning and strightening.

shirl72 said...

I don't know why anyone would
want to comment anonymous they
may be ashame of their name or what they say and have a boring life.

I sure don't know the model of the
car. I bet Louis will name it.

Dar said...

Don't know that gorgeous car but do know Bill, Slim and Thom...they get cocky sometimes, but we sisters know how to keep them in's called, 'Make your own supper.'
Thanks for thinking of us. You two are the sweetest.
Have been getting a bit of nonsense on my blog too and it gets ousted the sec I see it...don't know if that helps or not...what to do, what to do.
Loveya, Missya, Hugya, Kissya
from way up north

Louis la Vache said...

«Louis» doesn't like the word verification, either - but he has been getting a LOT of spam comments recently.

You've got ol' «Louis» stumped on the car. He can't identify this one!

Anonymous said...

Oh, those contrasting bird pics cracked me up.