Saturday, January 5, 2013

Sometimes you just need room

Today is a beautiful day in Wauchula. We went out for breakfast and stopped by ACE hardware to pick up a pierce of plumbing, so I could add a vent to speed up our slow sink.

I know plumbing is never as simple as I plan or hope. I always start with taking a few things out from under the sink,then I need to remove something else. Finally, I realize I need to remove a shelf also.  So by the time I get it so I can fix it I have the whole  (small kitchen) filled with stuff.

I think Joe was going under the sink yesterday or today out in Nebraska. I hope he didn’t say as many bad words as I did. Is $h-t a bad word? (I know it stinks, so it may be bad! LOL).

Anyway this one is fixed. I really don’t mind plumbing when there is room, I am not a fan of tight places to work. My arms do not work at all angles as they did when I was young. I have a murderous cranky, rotor cuff in my right shoulder.

Noticing my girl had exited to read her Bible (Married to me keeps her prayed up and read up, so I am good role model???? LOL). She was relaxing under the awning and I took advantage of the extra room and did the floors in the Motor home. Cleaning the ceramic tile here is like  the tile in one normal bath in a house. And the Vacuuming is like doing one room in your house. So cleaning the floors in our motor home is very simple and fast.

My sister Kat lost a baby once just after birth, the Doctors hinted she may have over worked herself towards the end of her pregnancy. They warned her that vacuuming might have done it. So from that day in 1952, until she passed away in 2006 she never vacuumed again. She took advantage of Doctor’s orders. LOL

I never complain about cleaning this place it is so small. There are advantages, living like this. LOL

Thanks for stopping by the log.

Nite Shipslog


01 05 13_0079

Do you have too many pens and pencils near your computer?

(I still have the little Dollar man Robbie Cook folded for me, and a ‘Round-to-it’ from the Ojibwa Museum in Upper Michigan)


I think friend ‘Louis’ named every car and part of a car on the last two stations.



Anonymous said...

Just started to cut the hair of our son on our own, in the kitchen, where's room enough.
No, apart from the notebook, there's nothing on the desk. Got me a while to get used to it, and the fingers to remain at rest.
Please have you all a good Sunday.

betty said...

Sorry about your sister's lost baby so many years ago. I would imagine one can get the motor home cleaned in less than an hour; definitely an advantage! Glad too you got your plumbing problems fixed :)


Louis la Vache said...

Too many pens near the computer?
And not a day-um one of 'em works!

«Louis» can't help you with the cars in this service station photo! He can't see enuff o'em!

Chatty Crone said...

Okay you sound just like my husband - he goes to fix one simple thing and then the job expands to something bigger and bigger and bigger. And he says a few choice words too. LOL Sorry about your sister's baby. sandie

shirl72 said...

I have think today's pens do not
write and last as long as the old ones. I can buy a new one and when I get it home it will not write.

I have a sign that says "HOUSE WORK MAKES YOU UGLY" so I have decided not to do any.

~mel said...

Here's my schedule ... Sex and vacuuming ~ do it every six months whether you need it or not!

I just can't remember what month I started the schedule so I have to do it all the time so I stay on schedule. No one ever said life was easy:)

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

There are advantages and disadvantages to your small space for sure. Having had my little camper, I can appreciate what you are saying. Mine didn't even have carpeting in it so it was very easy cleaning up the floors. I've found that like Sherry, I have a family that keeps me reading the Bible and praying too. Hope you all have a restful and relaxing Sunday!

Jackie said...

I'm impressed that you are a fixer upper and a cleaner upper!
Go guy!!!
Love reading your blog...Yes, I do.