Friday, December 25, 2015

Merry Christmas, a wonderful time of the year

We do not decorate elaborately, but my Sherry must have some Christmadecorations at this season.  Son Jack's help, before we left on the cruise She decorated our Motor Home.

 She did the decorating in Orlando, then we moved North to Wildwood. This is what it looks like stripped for travel. Appropriately those are orange trees in the back ground.
 Here we are at night, I think she done good!
 This is the inside put back together, the bottles on the right come from Niece Peggy of Shelby.
Merry Christmas to our family scattered across the country and to our friends here on Blogspot. Our family wishes yours the best for this season and for the coming year.

With smileslove and HUGS, to all good night.

And to the Shipslog, Good night.

 The reason for the Season!

An American Business!


Jackie said...

She did great!!!
Merry Christmas.
May the joy of Christmas be with each of us every day of the year.

betty said...

I love the Nativity scene painted on the McDonald's. I read where they had been doing that for 40 years! Neat :)

Sherry did great with the decorations :) A little holiday cheer indeed!

Merry Christmas to my favorite blogging couple! I hope you and Sherry have a delightful day!


Lisa said...

Now THATS what I want to do to my Camper one day! I love how she decorated your mobile Condo!
Merry Christmas to all!!!!!

Mevely317 said...

Sherry and Jack did great!
I hope your day was wonderfully heartwarming; I feel so blessed to 'know' y'all!

shirl72 said...

Sherry did good with her decorations. I use to go all out but I have
tone down some. I love Christmas Decorations with beautiful lights.
Hope you had a good Christmas. We are having warm weather here which
is unusual. I like the song "Everything is Beautiful in its own way".