Thursday, November 22, 2018

Thanksgiving, Ever kick yourself?

Cars of beauty and art:

For tonight:
I normally do not drive at night, but we went to church tonight for Thanksgiving. Funny thing about Thanksgiving, My Shipmate Frank Manlanowski, now a Protodeacon here in town was gracious to invite us to dinner on Thanksgiving. 

 We had already turned down the pastor’s invite at his house for dinner. WE got a call from son-Mark just after an invite, that he would be headed this way on Thanksgiving. I do not do crowds well with my hearing. Sherry knows this, but usually wants me to do the response to invites.

We will not cook. So we will head for Perkins or some place that is open. Mark will not get a  ‘mama’s home cooked meal.’

This is not about us it is about what I got to see this 
evening. The local pastor had some people come forward to give thanks. There were several adults and kids who did a great job of being Thankful.

I am a thankful person, but this summer has been bad. In my view there has not been a lot to be thankful for.

BUT I was humbled, kicked, I even threw myself under the bus. I watched a kid, must have been about 12 years old. Struggle to get to the front after someone had fitted his crutches for him. His legs and feet are severely twisted. He used his crutches at an angle I had never seen before. He made it to the front and someone (probably family) got him settled in a chair.

For some reason I had been watching this kid, I had no idea he required crutches. His face was alight. His smile was catching. Now sitting in a chair without a mike, he started listing the things he was thankful for. This kid was amazing. In the list I heard, ‘Thankful for my mother, my step daddy, good health, ……….. (WHAT???) 

Anyway you get the idea. Approaching 80 year of age, I still walk without assistance and have for 79 of those years. This kid never has and never will, but he is THANKFUL.

Boy do my little problems pale when compared to this kid. I am sure he has spent many nights in a hospital, I have never spent one. So I brushed the tears away vowed to NOT COMPAIN, but be THANKFUL, I mean, BE THANKFUL for my life, so tonight, this person, Jack, is thankful I heard this boy. I hope to learn his name, but for right now, the little dude has become one of my heroes.

It is now about 1 o’clock on Thanksgiving day and you can BET I am THANKFUL.
Nite Shipslog



happy thanksgiving.

Anonymous said...

Beautiful post. We could all learn from "little dude". I just saw a plaque with the words "there is always, always, always something to be thankful for"

Happy Thanksgiving.


Brenda said...

Amazing blog

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Oh yes, we truly do always have something to be thankful for even under the worst of circumstances. Glad you will have some family there to celebrate with, that too is something to be thankful for. From my house to yours, I'm sending my best wishes for a very happy Thanksgiving!

betty said...

What a sweet boy! Hoping he always has that thankful attitude toward life! I am a bit of a whiner and I have no reason to be. In fact I told Ma that I'm making gratitude my word for 2019 since I need to be more thankful than I am. When I think of people in California not having a home anymore or people who have lost loved ones this year, like you and Sherry have, it makes me really stop and be thankful for the good life that God continues to give me. I am thankful today for such simple things like good health, a house to live in, food to eat, money in the bank, and so much more. I love Perkins pancakes, haven't had them in years. Enjoy your time together with family today, Jack and Sherry.

Happy Thanksgiving!


Dar said...

A Very Grateful Day to you. Look at the 'little dude' and all he must already have endured and to be thankful for his health!!! What a wonderful insight to 'life' he has. Things like that amaze me and wake me up to the realization of all we do have. Today, I'm most thankful for the good health of my children, as a couple of them have had their struggles. Look at them now.! Thank God they are still with us. And I'm thankful for genuine people like yourselves who always give your hearts. Thanks Jack and Sherry for your friendship of kindness, love and patience.
love n' hugs from up north where the turkey is in the oven til the hunters arrive. Happy Thanksgiving from our home to yours.

Woody said...

My Dad's comment was "Don't complain about having no Shoes, Imagine the Man who has no Feet" ! Happy Thanksgiving and God's Blessing's upon you and Yours ! Gary & Anna Mae

Chatty Crone said...

Happy Thanksgiving !!!!!!!!!!!!!!

boromax said...

Tremendous, wonderful story; thank you for sharing such real parts of yourself.