Thursday, November 18, 2010

From South CArolina to Belmont.

There are times in everyone’s lives that you need to just have mental fun. Sometimes remembering is all a human needs. Me? I love to think of old cars. Not that I want one, I just like to think back. Shirl had one of Chrysler’s ‘Fin’ series, I think it was a Dodge about ’59. It was pretty black and white. We have a picture of JJr beside it, but it only shows the rear fins.

(Explaination: Pictures, I cannot know where the pictures are gonna land. I cannot make a log entry except in Html (Which I do not understand) That way the picture is numbers and letters.)

(Below is Dad's 1960 Rambler) Below is Sherry and Jack Jr. on the hood of our '55 Ford.

My dream car was the 1955 Chevy, as I have said on here many times. I did get a ’55 when we were in Key West; I paid $50 for it. I enjoyed restoring it.
But today as we were on the road I saw a car carrier with a load of new cars. They were all covered with white canvas for protection not secrecy. That is what got me to thinking of old cars again.
Marty Kerns beside my '55 Chev.

Above ia also JJr. & Shirl's car.

Back in the mid 1950’s the competition was so strong for the presentation of the ‘New Cars’ that they were always carried to the dealerships under canvas. They unloaded the new cars at night and NO ONE was allowed to see them until the official unveiling. It was a festive time, the dealerships offered free hot dogs, some hamburgers, some ice cream and I am sure if we southerners had known about pizza they would have had that. There was also a competition to see who served Pepsi or Coke along with the free food. It was fun for us who could not afford to buy; we at least got a ‘free’ meal out of it. And it was amazing to see the changes in the body shapes of the new cars.

There is a '57 Metropolitan.

Oh, another past time of ours is noting where the trucks are from. The Above is from Lincoln, Nebraska. (Sherry says reckon they know Lucy, I said of course don't everyone? At least they would know Joe.) The truck immediately following that one was from Omaha.)

That excitement is missing today, to be honest; they all look alike to me. And no one seems to care that the new ones are out, only that the old ones are discounted.
Old cars, I love ‘em. I get a good feeling while on the road, as we are; we pass some that we know are headed for a rally somewhere. They look so regal and my old mind wanders back to when……….

Anyway, I love old cars, they give me time to think and forget any problems that may face us. They are good therapy for me. My first car was a 1948 Chevy Convertible; our last memorable family car was a 1955 Ford two door.

BUT I loved them all.
Nite Shipslog
PS: I can even remember when:
We sat and named cars as they went by,
I also remember when:
Spinning around, getting dizzy, and falling down was fun. But then I was always weird.


shirl72 said...

Welcome back to the fair town of Belmont.
Love the old cars when they are funning. They had a Studebaker in the Veterans parade and two
T-models. Like you can't tell one from the other. Why buy a Lexus or BMW when they look just like the other cars. I bet if someone would
take the names off cars no one could tell what
a person was driving.



Melanie said...

I;m a bit behind...thought I'd stop by and say hi!!


shirl72 said...

PS correction Cars running not funning. I didn't
mean to sign my name twice. Was so happy I figure
out how to get Shirl72 back.

Anonymous said...

How alluring a first sentence of yours ! And yes, remember naming cars as well and my small son is still turining around and around until he falls down - guess that I found enough teachers. Thank you for this uplifting entry. A safe road ahead for you all and a good Friday as well.

Glenda said...

So happy to hear you made it back to Belmont in good order! And I love those old cars, I had a '56 chevy
aqua and white, was proud of that baby. The trees
look so beautiful in all their fall colors, makes me homesick for the Missouri hills! But, on the other hand, the temperatures up there remind me that 'Chobee is a good place to be when we are heading into winter. Have a great time with the fam :)

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

I s0 loved all y0ur old cars,always have a safe trip ahead!

Paula said...

I think I've said this before here I do want one of those old cars to drive on Sunday but darn I only have a one car garage.

Jean said...

I love old cars that is why I still drive one, lol.Glad you had a safe trip back to N.C.

betty said...

Old cars are so classy!! I can see why you would still enjoy them! And lots of them were built to last (not like some of the cars these days :)


I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

They certainly did make those cars to last. I always enjoy seeing them on the road too. I hope your Friday is a fantastic one.

Fred Alton said...

I remember that '55 Ford of yours very well. Thanks for letting me drive it. Closest I ever came to owning one. ☺ Glad to know you had another safe and enjoyable trip. You're always welcome to come across the mountain to Fred's place!

Lucy said...

When I weas first married we had a model T, that trailor and rig that you posted, that is what Joe worked on. Cornhusker 800 and they also built grain trailers.