Thursday, November 25, 2010

So it is Thanksgiving and I am thankful:

For so many things…………

**For life

**For health.

**For a wonderful family.


**For Great… Grandkids, even though some are scattered.

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**For my Sister Shirl, she and I are all that is left of our family of 9.

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**For God’s many blessings to me, I am HIS favorite.

**That our Thanksgiving meal is cooked and being supplied by our son, Jack., AT our Son Mark’s house.

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**That the weather will be great (rain or shine) to enjoy our family.

**For friends near and far, the ones we know personally and the ones here on this internet.

**Most of all I am thankful for a wonderful, loving, beautiful and caring wife. Without which most of the above would not be. Once I had a friend who said to me, “You won the lottery when you got SHERRY!” She was right, but that did not half describe my luck. That is honestly the truth. Sherry is the best.

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I wish all who read this, and those who don’t… A very Happy Thanksgiving.

Thanks for taking the time on this occasion to stop by, I know there is much more you could be doing, so thanks.

Nite Shipslog



YES! I miss daughters-in –law. I have none left. Most did not last long, but they gave us some wonderful grandkids. I wish Carol, Corinne and Cindy the best in life. (I just noticed all the names begin with ‘C’) I especially miss Corinne. And I am sorry I hurt her feelings awhile back. Corinne stayed around the longest of the daughters-in- law. She had become like the daughter we never had. And like the rest, I do wish her the best in life, she deserves it.

I only correspond with one of the ex-DIL’s, Carol. We have a good relationship now, but she is in UTAH with Ben and Corey and the grandkids & GGK’s out there. She is not feeling too great this Thanksgiving due to an injury, hope she is well. It did take a long time, maybe it is the same with the rest. I don’t like hard feeling; it is not part of my makeup.

But all in all Life is good, but I cannot wait to get on the road again!!!!


Cher' Shots said...

And a HAPPY THANKSGIVING to you and yours - from me and mine! 'hugs from afar'

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

A very Happy Thanksgiving to you both! Enjoy the dinner and good times with family. I'm so very thankful too!

Coffeeveggie addict. said...

happy thanks giving!mhwuaaaaaaa!

BlueRidge Boomer said...

Happy Thanksgiving....


Sheila Y said...

Happy Thanksgiving to You, Sherry and the rest of your family! God Bless, Sheila

Fred Alton said...

Happy Thanksgiving Jack and Sherry! May this be one of the best ever times with your families and bring you un-told joys down the road.

Jean said...

Happy Thanksgiving Jack, Sherry and all your family! Grover and I will have our Ham, chicken dressing, mash potatoes, green butter beans, pumpkin pie and not to for get rolls and tea. It will be later today, lol. Love to you guys, Jean

Anonymous said...

Happy Thanksgiving dear Jack. May you all find a safe road ahead.

Monica said...

Couldn't let today pass without stopping to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving to you and your loved ones. Beautiful entry today.

betty said...

Cool that dinner was provided by one son and eaten at the other son's house! That is a great way to spread the work involved!! Lots to be thankful for, Jack! I'm sure Sherry's list would be so very similar to yours (but of course saying she hit the lottery with you :)

wishing you both many more Thanksgivings together!


Woody said...

Hope you an Sherry and family had a great Thanksgiving, God Bless;

Gary & Anna Mae

Bookncoffee said...

Happy Thanksgiving Jack and Sherry. I hope you have had a wonderful day!!!
We have had a good day here visiting George's family in KY. And we are back home tonight after a cold front is moving through. There is talk of going shopping at 4:00 a.m at some local shops in our area "just for the fun of it and b/c we have not done it before" and then tomorrow we head to Columbia, TN to eat Thanksgiving meal with my Mom and my sister and her family. Big weekend. Hope you all are having a good one. Be warm and be safe!

Dar said...

Jack and Sherry, You both hit it big. You are two of the sweetest, and like Fred once told me, the most genuine folks around. I hope you had a wonderful Thanksgiving with your family. Your sister Shirl sure is beautiful, as well as your boys. I'm sure your DIL's miss you too.

~mel said...

I know I'm a few days late BUT I still wanted to wish you a Happy Thanksgiving!!! I'm so glad you were with family and friends! I'm thankful that I was able to meet the two of you ~ you know who you remind me of??? My Mom and Dad ~ they were such sweethearts (like you two) never a harsh word said against the other ~ obviously so much in love!! Thank you for being you!!!