Sunday, November 7, 2010

This is a shot driving East on Highway 90 considered the coast line highway. in the distance is a casino of Biloxi. The beaches are exceptionally white seems to us. We remember the beaches turning htis white over about Pensacola. I wonder if they are really wider and whiter than they used to be.
Fred asked if the one shot yesterday was BAck BAy, yes it was, on this same Bridge. This is a replacement of the old swinging bridge beween Ocean Springs and Biloxi.  Fred & Frances and Sherry and I used top have to cross the old bridge to go to work. I did not know it at the time , but Sherry panicked everytime she was caught by the bridge swinging to allow a boat through.
You can see in the water out there the old pilings where the old swinging bridge used to exist.
Below is the entire group for our reunion. Maybe fred can recognize Jack Landers, not sure he can remember anyone other than Rev. Matthews. & Wife.
This is the military wives that attended.
I am not counting much on this blog taking, although I hope it does.
This has been a long day.  It was great meeting some guys I remember and some who came just after we left.  It was a great tkime and the Church folk put on a great seafood dinner for us all with all the trimmings.
It was a great time.
Nite Shipslog
 The sole purpose of a child's middle name is so
he can tell when he's  really in trouble.


~mel said...

How wonderful to have a reunion ~ I'm sure it was a bunch of fun meeting up with your old friends and a seafood dinner to top it off, fantastic.

I had to take a double look at the photo though ... I was expecting a little more glare with all those bald heads in the room. lol ... and I always thought the short guy was the one they put out front for group pictures. Sorry Jack, you know me, I just have to get the digs into you when I can!

Sherry ~ I'm loving that little jacket on you!! It's a good color and you're cute as a button in it. Okay Jack, you're cute too.

Love you guys - (that's Yankee talk) But I've been practicing up on my South of the Mason Line lingo ~ Love Ya'll ~ have a great day!

love me ~mel

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

Good to hear of your wonderful day! Happy Sunday to you both!

betty said...

that is beautiful area!! I'm with Sherry, I think I would have panicked too with the bridge and the boats! Looks like it was a wonderful reunion and a good chance to catch up on everyone's lives and the food sounded delicious! something about those church ladies, they always know how to put together a great meal :)

enjoy your time in Mississippi!! (don't you just love spelling out that name, Mississippi!!!)

have a good day


Lucy said...

How cool that you all got together. I have to say this, I don't feel so old anymore. I said every one of those nasty words you typed yesterday.

shirl72 said...

Glad you had a good time. What a good looking
group. Seafood Dinner sounds wonderful I would have loved that dinner. Yum Yum

How nice of them to prepare your dinner.


Sheila Y said...

I know a good time was had by all. Old friends and good eats, a good combination. Good luck when you head out again. Take care, Sheila
PS. Do you mind if I put the picture you sent me (of You, Sherry and the parents)on my blog?

Anonymous said...

How hope providing. Please have a good start into the new week you all; a safe road ahead as well !