Thursday, July 14, 2011



Yes, that is why they call not knowing the results, fishing. All day, no luck first day out. We tried worms and caught 4 perch about 3” ( a good size minnow).  We tried plastic worms, two styles. No luck.

fishing 001

We tried ‘Bab Fly’s’ (Usually a guarantee) nope.

fishing 002

(Mark waiting for the BIG one!)

We tried bottom fishing, trolling and casting. I think we were being laughed at!

fishing 003

But the scenery is beautiful, and we are out on the water, and it is HOT!

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(You know there must be a big one under there!)

So off to the hardware store and bought 5 doz. minnows. Shame, three dozen did not make it for 30 minutes. The water was just too warm. Sooooo yeah, it was nice to be on the pond dragging some bait for awhile.

fishing 008

(I had never taken note of the yellow center of the white water lily. BUT the Bee sure did, the heat did not stop him!)

As they say in the fishing world, maybe tomorrow!!

Thanks for coming this way

Nite Shipslog


Despite the cost of living, have you noticed how it remains so popular?

The TR6 was the only sports' car around our house,

Mark bought it.



Fred Alton said...

Sorry, Jack, about the fishing being so poor. Tomorrow you will catch that big one that's hiding under the lily-pad. That lake looks like it would be FULL of choice 3 to 5 lb bass!

Helen said...

It's just to hot. Don't you know that fish move to the deepest water when it turns hot. Have you tried that? That water lily blossom is beautiful.

Sheila Y said...

Well I'm no fishing expert so I have no suggestions. Maybe you'll have better luck tomorrow. Is there a fish market nearby? You can buy a few and string them up and take a picture...we'll never know it was a fake... :)
Have fun, Sheila

BlueRidge Boomer said...

I called ahead and told the fish you were coming....they're all up here in the high the high 50's tonight and tomorrow high.....73*......


Paula said...

LOL @ Sheila Y's comment. I would have been eyeing those pretty water lilies instead of looking for fish.

betty said...

I was thinking it was probably too hot for them. Maybe get an earlier start before it heats up?

better luck next time (or tomorrow, whichever comes first :)


Lucy said...

I agree with Paula. We are in a heat advisory until next Thursday. I just think if it is as hot as here, the fish are staying right where they belong and that has got to be where it is cool. I just pray our air conditioner hangs in there.