But first:
My boys are like their mama, the loves them some chocolate. For me, other than Milky Way, Snickers, Mars and Hershey bars, I love chocolate covered Maple crème. They gots me a box!
Shirl sent two cards, one early:
She sent me the above, had nothing to do with my name being Jack---, I am sure. Cute card, the tag was actually on a string around the jack’s neck. (Great gift inside!)
2nd card:

Then this sweet one on the day before my birthday. With some pictures. The one in the upper right I do not remember seeing. Thanks Shirl for the cards and SWEET GIFT!
Received ON BD! (Just the fronts of the cards) This is from my lover:
She has put up with me over 57 years of the 75, reckon the reversal of the numbers meant anything? 57-75? Thanks Sweetheart, I love you baby!
From Jack Jr. Thanks son.
From Mark.. Thanks also.
That was sweet of you guys, but the best present was having both sons here on my 75th. Next year I will try to have my Birthday in the summer, so we will be home and you won’t have to travel so far, I can do that, can’t I?
Thanks for stopping by the log. and Thanks for the cards and FB wishes. Very thoughtful. I have a couple new friends on FB, I am not there often, but I welcome a G-Great Niece, a sweetie, Alexzandralynn (an aspiring writer) and a G-G nephew Aden, who just got ‘caked’ on his 12th birthday. (I had never heard of getting caked, have you?)
Nite Shipslog
If I make it thru Sunday, every thing will be all right!
Sherry looking at a very pretty ‘51 Ford, in Buchanan, MI
Happy Belated Birthday, I am so glad you had your boys and Sherry with you to make it so special.
God Bless, Sherry
Sounds like you had a wonderful birthday my friend!
Hugs, Rose
Now Jack, «Louis» doesn't understand why you keep spreading this misinformation that you are 75 when he worked so hard to start the rumor that you aren't a day over 39. As he wrote yesterday, he KNOWS that rumor is TRUE because he started it himself!
That is indeed a handsome '51 Ford!
I love reading cards and seeing what different ones pick out. Glad you got your chocolate and had a great birthday with the guys there. I'm sure they didn't mind making a trip to see you. I'm thinking they enjoyed a little Florida sunshine too!
Okay you know that I remembered your birthday on time - but I am late here - non the less - HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU! SAndie
I like all your nice thoughtful cards. I can tell your family loves and respects you so much.
I don't know why you keep saying
75, Louis la Vache said you were
39 I think he is right. Don't hurt his feelings since he started the rumor.
Glad you had a good day. I think
next year your Birthday should be
celebrated in North Carolina where
you were born and all your friends
could come to a party. It would
be a big one. Maybe all of Belmont would attend.
Look at all those nice pretty cards I like the one with the cute boys picture on it. Yes time flies it seem like it was only yesterday that I celebrated my 39th.Lol. Take care. Jean
Isn't being caked when someone hits you in the face with a piece of cake? Kind of what some brides/grooms do at their weddings?
All great cards, loved Shirl's creativity with making that one! Glad Sherry and the boys got you some of your favorite candy too!
GREAT CARDS. Happy Birthday again.
75, you are just a kid. I love all of the cards and the 2 from Shirl are really good. One of them is so true. At 75 it is time for you to be with your boys as much as possible. Of course I can remember a very few times when I was thinking it's time for them to go home. Sherry got you such a sweet card. She truly is a gift for you. You are a great couple.
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