Yes, his name was Elmer Cornelius Davidson, he married the oldest of the Three beautiful Harris Girls. Sonny boy married the second of those beauties and they saved the youngest and prettiest for me. All three of us learned when you married one, you got ‘em all, ‘cause those girls were as thick as thieves.
As Sherry's Brother in law with Lennie the oldest sister.
All three couples took many long trips together. Some of them in our motor home.
The middle girl Colette and Sonny boy
All three girls were married to these guys for over 50 years so you know Susie and Wiley Harris raised some keepers.
Wiley once said about Elmer, “If that boy doesn’t marry that girl pretty soon I ain’t never gonna get any sleep.” Elmer stayed on their front porch for many hours after dark.
Sherry said when Elmer came into their family they finally had a car. Elmer would drive them anywhere they needed to go. He was like a second daddy to Sherry. After 53 years, his LOVE passed away. Anybody that knew Elmer just knew that outgoing guy would bounce back, but he did not. He became very depressed.
Dick Lankford was married to my sister Katherine. For over 50 years and he passed away the same year as Lennie.
Elmer and Kat were old friends, the depression disappeared. They seemed to fit well for a second marriage. So Elmer then married my sister Kat. Now he was MY BROTHER IN LAW.
When he was MY Brother in Law!
After five years my sister Kat passed away, leaving Elmer a widower again. He was then in his late 80s. He was fortunate to find a friend to share time with, but his health failed. He was finally in an Assisted living home. He again blossomed with people around to visit with. Thursday Morning after a few months there he passed away.
Sherry took the call. Immediately we cancelled reservations and headed back to NC. We are headed home to attend the funeral of her Brother in law and my brother in law, this time the same man.
Elmer will be missed, he was nearly 92!
Nite Shipslog
Trucks of Art
1910 Camper

Oh, Jack. You and yours are a loved and loving family. Thank you for sharing that history. Blesses to all for their losses.
He lived a long good life and to have found love a couple times around with good women is a blessing indeed! I'm sure he'll definitely be missed. My condolences to the family.
Sorry sorry to hear this, But I have to say this is a really cool love story. How neat that you both got the prevlage of having him as a brother in law. Sounds like a really special guy.
I'm so sorry to hear of yet another loss in your family. Will be praying for safe travels and for comfort for you and all the family at this time of loss. Thankfully you do have some wonderful memories of your shared brother in law.
Love and hugs,
My heart and prayers of the loss of a wonderful BIL for the both of you. He was a very fortunate man to be so loved so long in his good life. Like God promised, as one door closed, another opened. There's another star in the sky. God's Peace to you all.
loven'hugs from up north. We are in for a double header of snow this weekend., predicting over another foot. Having pushed and shoveled steady the past week, no, over a week, we are tired.
Oh Jack and Sherry! I'm so sorry to learn another beloved tribe member has gone.on before. It sounds like Elmer's was a life well-lived ... better than any obituary I've read! Safe travels and love from here!
you have my deepest sympathy.
Jack and Sherry,
So sorry to hear of your loss. I remember Elmer when I attended East Belmont Church Of God, back in the 60's. Maggie Wells was my mother. I never remembered seeing Elmer that he wasn't smiling. He was a wonderful, good man. It was my priviledge to know him.
Judy Wells Christenbury
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