Trucks of Art
Classic Tow Truck
I enjoyed eating home grown parched peanuts while listening to stories by great grandpa Hilly.
I have always loved to eat nuts. From the soft shell peanut to the Very hard shell ‘Hickory nut’. Between sentences I am cracking open and eating Pistachio’s. We normally have pecans in our cereal and I snack on several kinds at night.
Our friend Judy from Maine was sure she would love ‘boiled p-nuts’ from the road stands in Georgia and Florida. She bought some and absolutely hated them.
I cannot think of a nut I don’t like (including many of my friends!). Every Christmas churches give out fruit treats in paper sacks, there is always some nuts included.
I usually have some salted p-nuts handy. Tonight these Pistachios are ‘Cajun’ style and a little hot, but I like em.
I think the Cashew is my favorite. Dad would spring for a small bag for Shirley and I in Sears at times. For a few years Sherry and I bought a hundred pounds of Georgia Pecans from her cousin. Once in the San Antonio area we stayed in an RV park in a pecan grove. Those Texas Pecans are good too!
Black Walnuts are probably my second best. Much harder to crack, but good. I love me some Black Walnut or Butter Pecan Ice cream.
But expensive or cheaper, I hear nuts are good for you. So along with an apple I try to have some every day. When I can (Like tonight) I add an orange and banana.
I am eating to live forever………… so far so good. ;-)
Is the hazel nut a little round shell nut?

Are you for nuts, or just nuts? (smile)

Nite Shipslog
PS: When did the term nut become associated with ‘crazy’ acting folk?
SMILING! Not 15 minutes ago I'd finished lunch/brunch but was still feeling hungry. What to do, but clean out the bowl of pistachios! Have you ever tried a pistachio milk shake? Ymmmmmm!
Unsalted/roasted peanuts are a staple in our cupboard, but my favorites are cashews and macadamias. Tom keeps saying I'm going to turn into a monkey or a squirrel.
Ha! I'm sitting here eating some raw almonds as I'm reading this. One of my favorite is Pistachio. I remember one time I tried to hide the fact that I ate all of daddy's (red colored) pistachios. But the red dyed mouth gave it away. I got in trouble. So I do not eat the dyed ones anymore to this day. haha.
My most favorite is the Brazil nuts but that's not what We call them. [smile].
From work
Mmm. Mine favorites are cashew and Brazilian nuts.
We harvested black walnuts every fall. The process of hulling and such was difficult, hands got stained.
Cracking and picking the nut out was crazy, but worth it.
Car + truck above? That is crazy beautiful.
Pecans and hazelnuts are my favorites!
I love Nuts, but they don't like me !! I can have Walnuts, Cashews and Pecans, the P Nut will tear me up with my "Diverticulitis" ! Have spent couple times in Hospital because of a peanut, !!!! Anna Mae loves Virginia P Nuts and my friend in Franklin brings her up 5 pounds of different P Nuts every late spring !
Do you like boiled peanuts???? That is a nut I can't eat. I eat almonds, pecans, peanuts, and a couple others - They are expensive!
I love all nuts,too. I eat them all and really love Brazil nuts, too, which are harder to come by.
I think that term, "nuts" had something to do about the head being called the nut years ago? Not sure---kind of like "out of one's gourd"?
Hope you and Sherry have a wonderful week, Jack- Hugs- Diana
love nuts too. great post.
I do like the hazel nuts and that's what we called them> Laughed at Lisa's comment the Brazil nuts. Those are my favorite, but hard to crack them sometimes. Nuts are high in calories; but great source of protein. What we learned in our weight loss was how small a serving actually is of nuts (we usually measure out 1/2 ounce). Compared to what we used to eat when munching on nuts, its a fraction of the size, but still delicious!
I always feel like a nut so I have pistachios, pecans, and peanuts within reach.
We buy our pistachios at COSTCO. You get a big bag for what you sometimes pay for a much smaller bag.
I’ve beaten my knuckles bloody cracking hickory and black walnut..
you know what they say, Fun ain’t cheap.
I love nuts and am very much a nutty person too. Some say we are what we eat..Ha ! Personally I think we are what we think. I've never had those boiled peanuts you have. But I've had just about another kind. I like them all, but my favorites would be walnuts and pecans.
We are a couple 'nuts' here up north.and we eatum'too. Our go-to are usually pecans, cachews, walnuts and pistachios. We eat a lot of p-nuts also which are actually not a nut at all, but a legume. The protein in all the nuts outweigh the calories. At least the fats in nuts are the 'good' kind. We were picking TX pecans under Dad's favorite tree when we got the call he had passed. God sure works in mysterious ways, doesn't He. We are busy shoveling out again today. My guy is having a hard time keeping up with it all. So far we have had a good foot fall on us in the past few days. We shovel, we feed the birds and the deer, we all survive in this beautiful country we 'choose' to live in.
love n' hugs from our house to yours. I saw on the weather channel this morning that FL is the only state with good weather. Enjoy my friends!!!
loveya, missya, hugya,kissya
Interesting to read the comments above, never met a nut I didn't love, except boiled peanuts! Recently I discovered powdered peanut butter, very low fat, high protein; labeled as an "add to smoothies for delicious peanut butter flavor" ~ NOT. The only way I can consume is to add chocolate protein powder and it's still not tasty!!!
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