Friday, September 15, 2023

Dirty work

  Car of the day:

So for today: 

JACK Jr. and I went over to check a plumbing water problem at his house that his son Stephen & family are living in.  Thanks goodness that was no problem and they needed only a little advice.

BUT, but then we got a call that son Mark had trouble at his house here in Belmont also.  At present his son Matthew & family are living there.  It was the old, “Sewer/wastewater is backing up."


So at Mark’s house, more than advice was needed. It required Digging and tracing back to the problem area. It ended up under the house. JJ isn’t into bugs, spiderwebs and mud.  I have no resistance to jumping in and crawling thru the mud and STUFF!  So we together got the job done with  me doing the crawling and him getting me the "water on and off" and tools.

We finally found a 20 foot line of 2” drain pipe that was SOLID jammed.  That particular line did not have enough fall, so the waste in the water had time to settle and accumulate.

No amount of the plumbing snake or forcing a hose would do anything except make more MUD. I cut the pipe out and we took it into the yard and force cleaned it and finally got it reinstalled.

At home I  took the water hose to me all the clothes I was wearing. Before I even attempted to take them off. LOL I used old towels on the seats but still had to clean jack's car seats a little also (of course).

Anyway, it was a job that needed done and Mark is tied up in Florida at this time. Anyway, I sorta enjoy seeing a problem solved, even a dirty one.

Yeah, I know I ain’t right, been told that many times.


Nite Shipslog

PS: Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your time.. Makes us feel good to know you were here,….



Unknown said...

You need to keep a clean set of clothes at both your sons' homes and your grandkids homes so when you do a dirty job like that for them you jump in the shower and you have a fresh set of clothes to put on. Put the dirty set in a bag and you're all good to go. I'm sure Sherry would appreciate that too. LOL

Mevely317 said...

Oh m'gosh! I'm with JJ on finding some other way to be of assistance!

That cartoon about the drain pipe having a bad hair day sure resonates. (Weeks later, I'm still wincing about the plumbing bill.) When our kitchen sink 'suddenly' backed up, we thought it happened because I accidentally let pieces of rotisserie chicken get down the drain, then emptied an ice chest a little while later. Nope, it took them finally having to get up on the roof with something that sounded like a jet engine to suck out 5 years of white hair.

You guys are worth your weight in gold boullion -- at least butter pecan.