Thursday, September 14, 2023

Kiosk, dadgummit.

 Car of the day:


So for today:

Sunday after church we decided to do something different. Let’s go to Taco Bell. Not a crowd, also no waitress/clerk.  “Order by Kiosk” the sign said.

Okay we will try it.  Ouch.. too many choices and combinations of different stuff. Even son JJ could not make sense of ordering for three people.  We started over a few times then decided to go thru the drive thru. 

The wait was too long as someone could not understand the speaker or could not decide what they wanted.

Someone in the car said, “Anyone want Pizza?” Everyone agreed so we drove out of line and went to Pizza Hut for a Veggie Lover’s Pizza!

Now about the Kiosk. I am sure regular customers who know Exactly what they want, have no problem, but if you are an occasional customer, not so much.  And we will not go back.  No one offered to help from behind the counter.

I am sure since Covid & drive thru The Kiosk is gonna stay around and grow. But I don’t have to like it.  LOL

Another subject. Prescripts.  We don’t do a lot of them. I do none but Sherry takes a blood pressure pill.

She just picked up her Prescrip. I saw her reading the warnings that accompany.  Three pages of fine print of how this or that could go wrong, I cannot believe this doesn’t scare folks to death. Most of course do not read the stuff, because “If my Dr. prescribed it, I must NEED it!”

NOW this is a disclaimer:


Just unloading today.  I will be my sweet self, sometime next month. ;-0      


Nite Shipslog

PS: Thanks for stopping by. I appreciate your time..


Mevely317 said...

I remember the first time seeing those fast-food kiosks back in 2018 (when we were making our cross-country move). Fortunately, there was a nice young woman who, juding from the look on my face realized I needed help and walked me through the process. Did I like it? Not one bit. Everywhere it seems, from medical offices to WalMart, it's becoming 'do it yourself.' AND the employees want $15/hour for standing around and watching. Geeze, don't get me started on that. LOL.
Tom sometimes gets alarmed by all the fine print warnings on Rx scripts and TV commercials. I figure, by law, if that happens to even one consumer they're obligated by law to list it.
What a world!

Wishing y'all a blessed day!

I'm mostly known as 'MA' said...

WE are loosing personal service more and more. I went to Sam's Club last week and they only had one check out person, The other was all self serve. Which I don't do so I waited in the one checkout line that had a person to check your purchase out. I'm not liking this at all I don't get a discount or am not paid to do checkout.

Susie said...

Jack, Once my sister and I were laid-off from our G.M. plant so we went to one some miles away and applied and it was in our regional hire so we were called to work there. One of the health questions was, "Do you have hemorrhoids, Have you ever had hemorrhoids?". Well the plant was Fisher Body. They made car parts, like fenders, trunk lids, doors, and roof tops. I told my sister, the reason for the hemorrhoid questions really meant "Do you want hemorrhoids?" We laughed about that so much. ( thankfully we were called back to our plant before 10 months.) Makes me think of med info that comes with prescriptions. Scary but at times necessary, I guess. Take care, have a great weekend. Blessings to you and Sherry, xoxo, Susie

yaya said...

I only take a thyroid pill and you are right, I don't read the small print. I don't just take something because a doctor said I should. I've worked in health care long enough to know to ask a ton of questions and then I usually google everything too! I'm sure they love me ! Ha! I don't care for Mexican food so Taco Bell is a never venture. My sweet Mom loved their Mexican pizza though! It was her last meal...that might not be a great incentive to try it!

Lisa said...

Funny thing JACK!!! I have a blog post lined up about Taco bell and that dern KIOSH!!!!
Great minds thing alike.

Catching up